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                            A sound jolts Kaoru from his sleeping position, hunched over in a chair, his head resting on the hospital bed. His amber eyes flicker to Nozomi hopefully, but she hadn't changed. Her porcelain skin and pale hair practically glowed from the sunlight drifting from the window, but the bruises and bandages marred the doll-like image. He turns from her to find his twin standing in the doorway looking between the two sadly, two cups of coffee in his hands. He hands one to Kaoru before sitting down on the chair beside him. Hikaru stares at Nozomi, his gaze focused on the large bandaged area surrounding her left shoulder and chest area. The doctors told them all she would survive her injuries but the blood loss made her very weak and they put her in a temporary coma to allow her body to heal without stress. The police were unable to locate her mother but were still diligently searching. The Hosts hadn't heard from Hero either but they knew he got out before the cops had arrived. Their Host Club activities were put on hold until further notice because none of them could push the worry and pain aside well enough to entertain the clients. Even Renge, who didn't really seem to notice the girl's presence, wasn't her usual overbearing self. Everything changed through the course of one day.
                            The twins look up from their silent reveries as the doctor comes in to check on her again. He nods a solemn greeting to the twins, having grown accustomed to their presence over the week. He had tried to get them all to leave and succeeded until he got to the twins. They were too stubborn to leave, even after security removed them. Somehow they scaled the wall to the third story and went into her room through the window. After that the doctor decided they deserved to stay.
"She is healing well. If it continues like this, she should be able to wake up by the end of the week." He informs them.
Kaoru nods, unable to look at the doctor. Nozomi was his one priority. The doctor leaves them alone and Hikaru sighs.
"You need to eat, drink, and shower."
"I'm not leaving her." Is Kaoru's reply as he glances at the untouched coffee in his hands.
"I won't leave her side, please. You getting sick isn't going to help anything. If she wakes up and sees you in that condition it will worry her and she won't heal as fast as she needs to." Hikaru tries to reason, taking his brother's hand in his own.
"I let her down once and I left her alone once and she almost died... I can't leave her Hikaru. What if something happens? I have to protect her." Kaoru's voice cracks as his hand tightens around Hikaru's.
"She's safe now. She's with us again. I promise I will not allow anyone in the room, not even her doctor. Just take a shower and grab something from the vending machines. You can come back to eat and drink. Okay?"
Hikaru stares at his broken brother, his eyes stinging from trying to stay strong for his brother and their friend. Kaoru stares at Nozomi for a moment longer, removing his hand from Hikaru's to gently take hers. He squeezes it lightly before getting to his feet and disappearing into the adjoining bathroom.
                           Shortly after the shower can be heard running, Hikaru moves to the window and opens it slightly to let in fresh air and the uncharacteristically warm breeze. He smiles slightly as the wind tousles his hair, remembering her twirling around in their backyard one afternoon because it was so windy. He sits back down at her side and picks up the brush the nurses left for her. He gathers her long silver hair and brushes it out carefully before braiding it to the side so it stayed out of her face and unknotted. The door opens and he automatically tells the person to come back later but the response of 'do you really think you could stop me?' makes his head jerk toward the door.
"Oh, sorry Hero. Kaoru didn't want anyone to come in while he was gone. I forced him to shower and get something to eat and drink. I don't know how he'd feel about you coming in but I'm definitely not going to stop you." Hikaru explains as he finishes tying the ribbon at the end of her braid.
                        Hikaru watches as the dark haired man shuts the door quietly and moves across the floor to an open chair, his boots thudding loudly on the tile. He can tell Hero looks uncomfortable and tense being in the hospital but his bright golden eyes softened when he looked down at the girl. Hero looked like the opposite of Hikaru and the Host Club. They were all bright and bubbly, except Mori and Kyoya of course, while Hero dressed in all black, complete with a leather jacket. Hikaru noticed the jacket was gone today and his fully tattooed arms were on display. He thought they were cool but not something he'd ever get.
"Like what you see, Kid? You're staring a lot." Hero mutters, making Hikaru jump.
"I've never seen tattoos up close before. Sorry."
"Of course you haven't. You should get some."
"Did they hurt?"
"They felt like unicorn kisses, barely noticed them." Hero answers with a smirk.
The pair turn as the bathroom door opens and Kaoru comes out, towel drying his hair. Kaoru pauses and glares down at Hikaru.
"I thought you weren't going to let anyone in?"
"Did you really expect me to stop the gun-wielding gang leader from coming to see the girl he rescued twice?"
"Good point." He mutters after a few seconds.
"She is still on the run but I have my boys combing the underground for her. The dad is no longer a threat. The news says he killed himself in his cell." Hero tells the boys as Kaoru was putting his shoes on.
"You need to find her faster."
Kaoru casts another glance at Nozomi before slipping out of the room.
                           When Kaoru returns, a soda and bag of chips in his hands, he finds the Host Club standing outside Nozomi's room. They all turn to Kaoru and explain that Hero and Hikaru wouldn't let them in. Kaoru nods, telling them it was his request. Honey pouts at Kaoru until he moves past them and opens the door. Kaoru reclaims his seat next to Nozomi and Hero while the others stand throughout the room. Kyoya steps forward and grabs the clipboard hanging off her bed and skims it before putting it back.
"Hey, Hero, so how did you know Nozomi?" Haruhi asks as she stares down at her sleeping form.
"I broke into her house seven years ago, intending to just take money and other valuables. There was a door locked from the outside so I picked it thinking I'd find something important. Instead I saw a little girl, scared, bruised, and starving, living in a dog kennel in the bathroom. I was just going to leave her but I couldn't do it. Not when she asked me if I was going to kill her and set her free. I ignored my search for money and filled my bag with things for her to survive off of and left with her. I left her at the library, knowing the librarians would take care of her. A few weeks later, Shinji, Haku, and Yori brought her to me claiming she'd been in our territory and thought she was a spy. I took her in and she became a sort of princess to the Faceless. I taught her how to defend herself, to read and write, and things like that. She ran with Shinji and the twins for years and I noticed they grew to resent her because of my favoritism. Once day she came back covered in bruises and told me she quit. Before I could stop her, she'd disappeared. I don't know what happened for sure, but I had other groups keep an eye on her." Hero explains quietly. "But, with that being said. If any of you hurt her in any way I will put you in the dirt."
Everyone nods and focuses their attention on everything but Hero's burning glare.
"Did you know that the only reason she came with us was because of your men?" Tamaki asks, drawing attention to himself.
"Those three you were talking about. I'd seen Nozomi at the park one night, passed out, and left a bag of food and stuff for her. Your men attacked her, trying to get to it. Hikaru and Kaoru tripped Shinji and later had to fight with your twins because one held a knife to her neck."
Hero's expression darkens further as he gets to his feet.
I have some things to take care of and being in the public for too long is risky. I'll check on her again in a few days. Remember my words. They're not a threat, they're a promise."
The Hosts wait until he is gone before sharing a look. Nozomi's guardian was scary. 

A/N: The twins are so sweet <3 and Hero is a badass. I picture him all decked out in black with a straight face as an 8 year old Nozomi is putting make up on his face or forcing him to spin around in circles with her. xD 

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