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    "Right hand blue."
"I could put my hand over there if you got your giant butt out of the way!"
"My butt is fabulous. Not my fault you're short."
"I'm going to hurt you."
Nozomi stretches her body, her arm reaching out for the blue spot on the other side of Kaoru's body. Her hand reaches the spot but leaves her body in a very compromising position. She was practically straddling Kaoru and the knowledge of that makes both of them blush. Hikaru snorts in laughter before spinning the dial again.
"Kaoru, left foot green."
He carefully moves his leg around Nozomi, making things even more awkward. They both shout for Hikaru to call the next move already and he starts to tease them about their close proximity.
"Nozomi, left hand yellow."
Her eyes study the mat underneath them for the closest open yellow spot. It happens to be right next to Kaoru's head. Swallowing her nerves, she leans forward and places her hand on the circle. Their faces are inches apart, their breath gently caressing their cheeks. She feels her blush deepen and averts her gaze. A camera shutter sounds and they both fall from their positions as they turn to Hikaru. He's holding a camera in his hand as he shakes with laughter.
"Dearest Nozomi, I believe we have a twin to murder." Kaoru mutters, still wildly blushing at her sitting on his waist.
"That we do, Dear Kaoru."
                                The pair gets to their feet and faces Hikaru who has stopped laughing and is now backing away. He tries to reason with them but still refuses to delete the picture. They block his escape route and Kaoru rushes forward, tackling his brother to the floor. As they wrestle for the camera, Nozomi manages to come between them and slip the camera from Hikaru's grasp. They continue to fight, unaware, so she decides to take a picture of the brothers. The sound draws their attention so the twins gently 'tackle' Nozomi, pinning her underneath them as they tickle her. Her laughter makes them both laugh even after they've stopped tickling her. The trio rests on the floor of the twin's bedroom trying to catch their breath. The twins had thought it would be fun to spend a week playing different commoner's games since their fall break started. The rest of the Host Club has surprisingly left them alone so far and it'd been bliss. Nozomi likes spending time with the twins, they made her laugh and feel safe. She still hadn't told them all of her secrets, but she trusted them and they trusted her.
"I think I'm going to sleep. Goodnight boys."
Nozomi turns to each boy and kisses their cheeks before going into her bedroom across the hall. After showering and changing into night clothes, she crawls into bed and falls into a peaceful sleep.
                              The twins sneak into Nozomi's bedroom early the next morning, having already showered and gotten dressed. They sneak around her room with a suitcase and pack away several outfits for her, along with her personal products and shoes. Once that's done, they pick out a pair of jeans and a black sweater for her before Kaoru tries to wake her up. As he looks down at her, he thinks she looks fragile and at peace, almost like an angel. Strands of her hair escaped the braid she'd put it in and are laying across her pillow and face. Feeling bad about waking her, he lightly nudges her until her eyes open and land on him. She drags a hand across her face and asks in a sleepy voice what time it was and what he needed.
"We're going on a trip Nozomi. We need you to get dressed so we can leave." He whispers.
"Kaoru, I keep telling you to stay out of my dreams..." She mutters before yawning and turning over.
Hikaru snickers from the doorway and Kaoru shoots him a look.
"What is she wearing?" Hikaru whisper yells to him.
"Sleep pants and a t-shirt." Kaoru replies, noting her leg sticking out from underneath the blanket.
"I'll grab her clothes and phone if you carry her. We'll let her sleep and when she wakes up she can change on the plane."
Kaoru nods and looks back down at the sleeping girl. His hands gently slip underneath her neck and knees before lifting her from the bed. Hikaru gathers her belongings and they head downstairs to the waiting limo. The Host Club is waiting inside for them and Kaoru shoots Tamaki and Honey looks to be quiet as he places her on the seat between Hikaru and himself.
                                        Nozomi wakes up two hours later on an airplane. She squeaks in fear as she glances out the window, expecting to be in a car going down the road, not thousands of feet in the air. She turns to ask Hikaru and Kaoru what was going on, but her question dies when she notices the rest of the Host Club is with them too.
"What's going on?" She asks finally.
"I told you we were going on a trip and to get ready, but you fell asleep again so I carried you to the car and onto the airplane. We're now heading to California in the United States."
"Why are we going to California? I don't even have a passport."
"Kyoya took care of that. And we're having fun on the last week of vacation. It'll be so fun my darling daughter!" Tamaki explains animatedly.
"But why California?" She mutters, then realizes that she's in her pajamas in front of the Host Club. "Uh- Kaoru, where are my clothes?"
He hands her a small bag and points out the bathroom at the back of the plane. She returns, dressed and cleaned up, but still confused. They hadn't mentioned a trip at all and suddenly she's on a plane to another continent. It's definitely not how she wanted to wake up.
"Haruhi, did you know about this?" She asks the brunette as she plops down beside her.
"If I did, we would've become Danny and Arin, remember?" The other girl huffs.
"Maybe it will be fun?"
"It's the Host Club, there's some hidden agenda, I'm sure of it."
"Breakfast is served!" A voice calls out and they all look up to find two flight attendants, one with a cart full of bagels, muffins, and assorted foods and the other with a cart of different teas, coffees, and juices.
Nozomi smiles, knowing that at least being trapped on an airplane with the Host Club she could still eat breakfast.     

A/N: I so wish that I had a picture of Nozomi and Kaoru playing twister, but alas I don't. The Sonic picture was close enough to what I'd envisioned though. I hope you guys liked it! <3 So, Team KaZomi or Team ? Let me know your ships down below!

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