Good Morning Misery

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                    Shortly after sunrise the following morning, Nozomi is woken up by sunlight. She cracks her eyes open, squinting against the brightness, and almost screams. She'd forgotten the events that led her to staying with the Hitachiin's and was surprised to find herself on a bed with two boys flanking her sides, asleep as well. The television is still on, replaying the last movie they'd watched together. The twins were surprised by her lack of movie knowledge and insisted on a marathon to 'catch her up' on their favorites. The source of the sudden light turned out to be their maids waking the boys up for school. Unfortunately she was the only one it had an effect on. She stretches out her arms and begins to lightly poke both of the boys repeatedly as the maids attempt to wake them up as well. The trio succeeds after ten minutes and the twins sit up and scowl before leaving the bed and disappearing into separate bathrooms. The maids smile at Nozomi and inform her that breakfast is ready before leaving her alone.
Nozomi leaves the bed and heads across the hall into her own room so that she can shower and change into clean clothing. The idea of having an easily available shower and multiple clean outfits still feels strange to her, along with not fighting the elements every moment of each day, but it seems almost pleasant. It'll take a while to get used to everything after living on the streets for seven years. After showering, she leaves her hair down and dresses in a pair of khaki skinny pants and a black t-shirt before locating a stack of sweaters that had appeared on the bed as well. She picks a crisp white one and pulls it on before brushing out her hair. She'd let it grow at will while she was homeless and, only after it being cleaned and brushed properly, has she realized it's reached her waist. She returns to the twins' bedroom to find them buttoning up white dress shirts. Her gaze lingers on their chests before quickly turning to the floor. The boys chuckle at her reaction before promptly teasing her for it. She sticks her tongue out in response as she easily gets over her embarrassment.
"So, what are you going to do while we're gone, Nozomi?" Kaoru asks as he pulls on a blue blazer.
"Gone? Oh, right. You guys are in school. I might go out and try to find a job or something."
"A job? Ew, why?"
"Jobs generate income, and income means I can support myself for once." She explains.
"Come work at the Host Club for us. We'll pay you. It's easier than commoner's work."
"Do I even want to know what a Host Club is?" She asks, cocking an eyebrow.
"We'll have the car bring you to the school before club hours and you can see for yourself."
After breakfast, the twins leave Nozomi alone in the house. She spends her time walking through the house, marveling at the fine details and priceless artwork and furniture that make up their home. Despite the very few chances she's had to be in different houses, she knew the difference between a house and a home. Homes had feelings of warmth and love, even in smaller doses. Her childhood living situation was a house, no trace of love, while this is a home. Briefly, she wonders if she will ever have a place of her own that she could turn into a home. She shakes that thought aside and tracks down her shoes with the help of one of the maids. She tells them that she will return before the twins have requested her and heads out into the mid-morning sun.
After making several stops around town, Nozomi heads back to the Hitachiin household to get ready to see the Host Club. Despite her curiosity about what a Host Club does, she's rather excited to see Hikaru and Kaoru's friends again. A smile crosses her face as she remembers the good news she's going to tell the twins when she sees them. The maids greet her when she enters the house and immediately pull her into the kitchen to eat lunch. Her protests die on her lips when she sees one of her favorite foods, pizza. Nozomi sits down at the table, eyeing the cheesy goodness in front of her. The maids leave her in peace and she gently pulls a slice from the main plate and places it on her own. She had only eaten pizza when she lived on the streets, back when she was with... She shakes the thought away and takes a bite of the pizza. Her eyes widen at the taste of fresh pizza made with expensive ingredients. It was the best food she'd ever eaten. She glances up at the clock before finishing her slice and eating another one. The maids return as she finishes washing her plate and glass and scold her lightly for doing their job, then inform her that the car is ready for her. On a whim, Nozomi grabs her backpack and the cell phone Tamaki had given her before getting into a smaller but still luxurious car. Her eyes study the passing trees as she rides in silence toward the school.
Kaoru turns from the wall of windows in the Host Club room and grins at the others. The members glance up at him through the groups of women and nod. Hikaru gets to his feet and meets his brother in the center of the room. Arms over each other's shoulders, they begin to address the crowd with broad smiles.
"Attention Beautiful Princesses, we have a special guest joining us today! My brother and I rescued a little princess yesterday, and after feeding her and washing out the dirt, we think she looks adorable. We want to share her with you today so play nice!" They croon in unison.
The door opens behind them and they twirl to face the silver haired girl who is staring at them with tear filled eyes.
"I-I'm not a pet..." She mutters under her breath, just loud enough for them to hear.
"Noz-" Kaoru starts, but she had already disappeared through the doorway again.
The door shuts with a soft click and he ducks under his brother's shoulder and out the door without hesitation.
She hears him call out from around the corner, but she doesn't stop running as tears run down her cheeks. She should've known better than to trust people.
"Nozomi wait!"
Rich people use the poor and defenseless as charity cases, as pets to parade around.
"Please, listen to me-!"
She should not have gone with them, trusted them... trusted anyone.
'I'm better off alone.'
She throws open the doors to the academy and stumbles down the steps and runs toward the road.
"Nozomi, listen to me!"
A hand lands on her shoulder and spins her around. Her eyes lock onto Kaoru's guilt-ridden gaze as he gasps for air. She snaps out of it almost instantly and backs away from his touch and drops her gaze to the ground. Tears are still running down her face and a few make their way all the way to the concrete leaving damp spots in their wake.
"Nozomi, Hikaru and I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry."
"Y-You made me out to be a pet, Kaoru. I heard you. I shouldn't have trusted you..."
Kaoru freezes at her words, his eyes widening and his heart dropping. He watches, unable to move, as she backs away from him looking so tragically broken, before she turns and disappears around the corner of the stone wall. Once she disappears from view, he recovers and runs after her but once he reaches the sidewalk, she's already gone.

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