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                   Nozomi avoided Kyoya as much as she could throughout the week and spent her time with Tamaki, Haruhi, and the twins. The Host Club finally revealed to the girls the purpose of the trip, though Nozomi already knew. Hikaru and Kaoru have been teaching her how to waltz when they weren't exploring the city or playing on the beach with the others. Despite Kyoya and the nagging doubt and confusion in her mind, Nozomi was actually having fun. The event is tonight and the plane is leaving the next morning. Nozomi pulls on her shoes and leaves a note for Haruhi as she slips out. As she passes a door, it opens suddenly and she's pulled inside. She opens her mouth to scream but a hand covers it quickly. She licks the hand and pulls away from her captor. When she turns around to face the person, her jaw drops.
"Honey-senpai? Why were you trying to kidnap me!?"
"Kidnap you?" He asks, tilting his head to the side. "Oh no! I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!"
"It's okay Senpai, you just startled me. What did you need?"
"Will you go walk on the beach with me?"
"Sure, but we can't be gone for too long, remember?"
"We won't! Bye Takashi!" Honey calls out before pulling her from the room.
                      The pair walk down the beach in cheerful silence, though Nozomi has been trying to figure out why Honey wanted her to come out alone with him. She voices her question as they stop to watch a surfer riding a wave. Honey giggles and pulls her down onto the sand before sitting next to her.
"Who is going to be your escort tonight?" He asks.
"The boy that walks you in and sits with you and you leave with."
"Oh, uh, I don't know. It hasn't been discussed that I know of. Why?"
Honey laughs again and she looks over at the boy in confusion.
"You've been spending a lot of time with Kao-chan and Tama-chan, that's all."
"Hikaru, Kaoru, and Tamaki are my best friends. What does it have to do with the event?"
"Nothing at all Nozomi-chan." He winks at her before pulling her to her feet again.
She briefly thinks about how much she's being yanked around today but follows him back toward the hotel.
                       The twins are in the lobby when Honey and Nozomi return and Honey rushes over to Hikaru and tugs him away instantly. Nozomi and Kaoru watch them curiously but shrug it off. The whole week had been very strange. The pair makes their way out to the inner courtyard of the hotel and sit down by the edge of the pool, their feet dangling in the water. She asks if he knew what Honey and Hikaru were up to but he doesn't know either. She lets her head fall onto his shoulder and sighs.
"California is so pretty, but I'm ready to go back to Japan."
"Me too, though dealing with the clients back at school is going to be annoying."
"I'd rather deal with fangirl clients than Kyoya and the event tonight." She mutters.
"Speaking of the event, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" Kaoru stutters out, scratching the back of his head.
She thinks back to Honey's words at the beach but nods her head, smiling.
"I'd love to."
His body straightens and he turns to face her. "Really?"
"Why not? You'll make the whole thing tolerable and I know I'd have fun with you. I do have one condition though."
"What is it?"
"Stand up." She orders.
He cocks an eyebrow but complies, wondering what she's up to. In one swift motion, she pushes him forward and into the pool.
                              Kaoru resurfaces a moment later, wiping his auburn hair out of his face. She laughs at his expression but the laughter turns into a squeal as he pulls her into the water with him. When she comes up, she pushes him back down. They wrestle in the water for a few minutes, laughing hysterically until they hear what sounds like a high five. They turn around and notice hair sticking up from behind nearby bushes. One is a darker blond color while the other is auburn, much like Kaoru's hair. Next to the blond's head, there's a set of pink bunny ears. The pair turn back to each other and shrug before she splashes him again. He yanks her back toward him as she tries to swim away and begins to tickle her. Her laughter rings out across the courtyard, making the hidden watchers grin. Her laughter dies as she looks up at Kaoru, her attention captured by his dazzling smile and the way his wet hair fell into his bright eyes. Hikaru and Honey watch on happily as the pair seem to slowly close the gap between them.
"They're going to kiss!" Honey whisper yells.
Hikaru shushes him as he continues to watch his brother get closer to kissing the girl. Right before their lips meet, her phone, which was left near the pool, starts to ring. She pulls away from him while blushing wildly and goes to check it.
"It's Haruhi. She wants me to help her get ready. I-I'll see you in a few hours."
Kaoru nods, frozen to his spot in the water as he watches her disappear into the hotel. His trance is broken a few seconds later by a loud, "Are you freaking kidding me!?" coming from the bushes. 

A/N: Okay, last cutesy filler, I swear. Next chapter will be important. Though these are technically character/relationship building. I'm having a little too much fun with KaZomi and NoMaki stuff. >.> Also please continue the positive vibes, my mental/emotional state is suffering pretty badly right now. I love you guys. <3

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