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                    Hikaru, Kaoru, and Hero meet up with the rest of the Hosts outside of the library. Hero looks uncomfortable around all of the younger people before looking down at the twins. He tells them that it's too dangerous for a bunch of kids to be tagging along with him. Tamaki starts to protest in true Tamaki fashion- complaining to Kyoya. The twins smack their hands to their foreheads and sigh.
"He's an idiot and I apologize for it but we're all going with you. Honey and Mori are martial artists anyway so it's not like any of us are in danger."
"Hero-chan, are you going to save Nozomi-chan?" Honey asks.
"This five year old is a martial artist?" Hero asks, arching a brow.
"He's older than we are actually." Hikaru tells him.
"We don't have time for this! Let's go already."
"I don't want any of you to go near the house when we get there." Hero tells them as they wind through the back streets toward one of the seedier parts of town.
                      Nozomi attempts desperately to calm her racing heartbeat as she cowers in the closet. Her body ached from the beating she'd endured by her mother's hands. It was her punishment for leaving them. It would've been worse, but she had a surge of courage and adrenaline, leading to her escape and hide. She knew that she wouldn't be hidden for long but it was her main hope for survival. Her breath catches in her throat as the bedroom door opens. Her mother's voice drifts under the door, sounding sickeningly sweet as she gently calls for her daughter as if they were playing a game.
"Come out Nozomi, you can't hide from your mother forever."
A shiver runs down her spine as she tries to push herself further back against the closet wall. A buzzing comes from her pants pocket and she scrambles to stop it, worried that it would give away her location. She looks at the dimly lit phone screen to find Kaoru's face signaling his text. She opens the message and a sliver of hope rises inside her. They found Hero and were on their way to save her. She just hopes they'll get to her in time. She pockets the phone just as the door opens.
"I found you. You shouldn't hide from your mother. I wasn't done talking to you, young lady." Her mother croons.
Nozomi screams as her mother roughly drags her out of the closet by her ankle.
"I thought I raised you better Nozomi. You ran away from home to go shack up with boys. You're a little whore!"
Nozomi stares up at her wide eyed as she brings up her forearms to block the woman's punches.
"Did you really think you could get away from me? I own you. You can run as far as you want but I will always find you."
"W-Why d-do you w-want me so b-badly if you hate me?" She stutters out.
"That's simple, Child. You belong to me. I don't like to lose my possessions. And what kind of mother would I be if I let my daughter run around acting like a whore? Now, let's return to the living room. We've got a lot of catching up to do."
                                  Hero and the Hosts stop in front of a small blue house with chipped paint and a broken window. Hero's face darkens as he stares at the house he'd robbed years ago, memories of the frail silver haired child flickering through his mind. He looks down at the Hosts and reminds them to stay on the sidewalk while he went to rescue Nozomi. They start to protest their previous agreement and insist that they help their friend. Their argument stops as a chilling scream comes from inside the house.
"Nozomi!" Tamaki calls out, yearning to run in there and save her himself.
"Stay here. I'm not going to let a bunch of kids die." Hero orders before disappearing around the side of the house. The sound of glass breaking comes a second later between the agonized screams.
"I'm not going to just stand here while she's hurting like that. I'm going in whether he likes it or not." Kaoru mutters, marching toward the house.
"We're coming too! Nozomi-chan is our friend!" Honey cheers.
"Honey, Mori, you guys keep her parents away from her."
"Come on Takashi. We have to save Nozomi." Everyone is a little shocked by Honey's sudden change of attitude and tone, but don't dwell on it as another scream comes from inside.
                          Honey and Mori break down the front door allowing the rest of the Host Club to stay inside. Haruhi and Kyoya were told to stay outside to prevent Nozomi's parents from leaving. Hero is fighting with an older blond man who is brandishing a knife. Hero's guns are scattered across the kitchen floor out of his reach. Honey goes to help Hero while everyone else begins to search the house. Nozomi's screams had stopped making it harder to track her. Tamaki, Hikaru, Kaoru, and Mori each pick a door in the hall and open them at the same time. If Nozomi and her mother are still in the house, they'd be in one of the rooms. Tamaki staggers back from his door, his hand covering his mouth. The rest of the guys join him and their hearts drop. Her mother is nowhere in sight, but Nozomi is laid out inside the bathtub, blood covering her body and staining her silver locks.
"Mori, go search for her mother and help Hero and Honey if they need it. Hikaru, call an ambulance, Kaoru call the police." Tamaki orders, swallowing the fear threatening to overtake him.
                       They all seem reluctant to go, but they comply. Tamaki climbs over the dog kennel, shuddering as he realizes that this was her prison cell for so long. He kneels down beside the tub and notices the stab wound in her chest and the several other cuts littering her body. Where she wasn't cut, there seemed to be countless bruises. He presses two fingers against her throat and feels a wave of relief wash over him when her pulse registers, even if only slightly.
"It's going to be alright Nozomi, I'll protect you..." He whispers, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
He searches the cabinets and finds several bath towels and presses them tightly against the worst of her wounds.
                       The sounds of sirens reach Tamaki's ears and he silently urges them to move faster. Hikaru and Kaoru had returned to the bathroom to check on Nozomi and inform Tamaki that Hero left to avoid being arrested. Honey and Mori had Nozomi's father incapacitated and were watching him diligently. Haruhi and Kyoya didn't see her mother escape but no one could find her in the house. The medics enter the bathroom and shove the boys out of their way along with the kennel. In order to stay out of the medics' way, they decide to join the others outside to talk to the police. They all had to fill out witness statements and all left out Hero's involvement, claiming they tracked the house from Nozomi's stories about her childhood. The cops bought it and arrested her father while setting an APB for the woman. Nozomi is brought out of the house on a stretcher and loaded into the waiting ambulance. The twins insist on riding with her and ride in a solemn silence on either side of her as they hold her cold hands. 

A/N: So, I did actually enjoy writing this chapter! Hehehe I have a thing for violence... Thoughts? Will poor Nozomi survive? Will Tamaki confess his feelings? Will Kaoru confess his feelings? Will Honey eat cake? Find out next time! :D

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