Chapter Six

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Am I dead? I don't open my eyes but there's a pounding in my head. I hear some voices. One voice says,"Is she dead?" Another voice replies,"No dude, she's just knocked out."

Okay, that's it.

I open my eyes and I see some guys that usually play basketball. I'm pretty sure it was their basketball that hit me. I don't bother to know names, and of I remember, oh well.

One guy with blonde hair and grayish-green eyes said," Guys, she's awake." The other nodded and they left. Good. I stand up and grab my backpack which didn't stay on my back apparently.

I hear the bell ring and I trudge off to my next class.

I'm in my last class of the day when the bell rings signaling that class is over. I shove all of my books into my bag and start heading out.

I see Sub and he looks like he's waiting for somebody. He notices me and waves me over so I walk to him. He says,"Hey" and I reply with "Hey, were you waiting for me?" He nods and I laugh. I ask "Why?" and he replies,"I need a study buddy." I agree and we talk for a while and get on the bus.

When the bus pulls up to my stop I ask,"My place or yours?" He replies,"Mine" so I soy down on my seat again and wait until his stop. He went ahead of me and unlocked the door and help it open for me. I walked in and as he locked the door, I went to the living room. I plopped myself down on one of the couches and he came in shortly after.

He said,"Let's go to my room, I have and extra seat there for you." I nod my head and he leads me up to his room. I take my books out of my backpack and a few notebooks. I take a pencil and drop all my stuff on the bigger desk that doesn't have a computer on it. He sat down next to me and started getting his stuff out too. 

He sat down on the chair next to me and said,"Let's start." I nod and he opens his math textbook to the assigned page.

*Timey Skippy*

Once we were done with our homework, he invited me to dinner at his house. And of course, I accepted. I could use the company I guess. To be honest, I'm happy when my parents aren't home. My mom and I never seemed to get along, but she said she loved me. My dad, well, when mom wasn't home, he would beat me and then threaten me so I wouldn't tell. There was also this one time where....he.... almost... If he hadn't heard mom's car pull up in the driveway, he would've been successful.

Now, I try to stay with my mom whenever they're home, which is once or twice a month. I'm afraid to be alone with my dad. The things he could do to me. The possibilities are endless. 

"Y/N, are you okay?" Sub asks. I immediately snap out of my thoughts and nod my head. He frowns and says,"Y/N, did you forget that I know you? I know you're lying. What's wrong?" "I don't wanna talk about it" I mutter.  

I was washing the dishes, which I offered to do, and I guess I stopped. After I finished with that I went to find Sub to tell him I was leaving. I go to his room and he's asleep on his bed. I just leave and I guess I can see him at school tomorrow.

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