Chapter Seventeen

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I wake up, and I get up, ya know the usual, just skip all the boring details.

I go downstairs and I remember that my mom has to work again today. I look around, but nobody's here. Maybe everybody's asleep. I'm bored. Maybe I should go for a walk. Maybe to the beach, or the park, or whatever. 

Oh, I know! I should go to the public garden! Nobody's gonna be there, so it'll be quiet. It's just a five-minute walk from here, and I've seen it before, on my way to school. There's gazebos, picnic tables, the grass is so green, it's unbelievable. It's a great place to go for peace and quiet. Well, for me, since nobody else is ever there. The flowers there are so pretty.

I guess I know where I'm going then. I have on a light purple top and jeans, with some purple converse. I guess I'll bring my dark purple hoodie, in case it gets windy. I rush out the door, and I start on my way to the garden. I get there, and just as I expect, there's literally no people here.

The air is fresh, there are trees, and it's away from the busy streets of the city, so all I can hear is birds chirping, and the rustling of leaves from the wind. It's also beside a lake, and the sun reflects on the water. Sometimes, silence is the best thing you can get.

Doing nothing, is sometimes, the best thing to do. It lets you think, and it calms you. Sometimes, people use that to help them fall asleep, but I couldn't possibly fall asleep here. All I want to do is stare at the lake and the trees around.

Annnndddd...... cue my gasp

I forgot my phone at home. Oh well, it's dead and there's a password on it so nobody can use it, and nobody can contact me.  At least I can be at peace. Maybe I can spend all day here. To really active people, it may seem boring, but I honestly don't care. I sit down on a bench and I start coughing.

I clear my throat, and I continue doing nothing. After a while, I see a couple across the lake, and the guy gives the girl his hoodie and they cuddle on a bench. I wish I could have a relationship like that, then I could run off with the hoodie and never give it back so that he wouldn't have that hoodie anymore. Then, they start to kiss, gross, and they pull away.

It starts to sprinkle, but I don't move. The guy is looking right at me. No. It can't be. It starts raining more, and I get up and start walking home. I don't want to look at him. That liar. I want to jump off a cliff right now, at this second. It starts to rain more, and I just keep walking.

Soon enough, I get home. I forgot a key, so I knock on the door, hoping somebody is in the living room, I don't feel like ringing the doorbell. The door opens and Alex is there. He looks at me and he asks,"Have you been crying?" I realize that tears were streaming down my face. 

I shake my head and say,"It's just the rain." but my voice cracks while I say it. Alex frowns and pulls me inside. He runs out of the room for a bit, but he comes back with a towel. He wraps it around me and I walk to the living room. The guys are all sitting on the couch and Denis says,"We've been looking everywhere for you-oh, are you okay?" I nod and sit down on the couch.

Sub walks into the room and he sees my tear stained face and he runs over to me and sits next to me. He asks,"What's wrong?" I shake my head and leave to take a quick shower. After my shower, I wear a gray shirt and some sweatpants, because why not.

I go to the kitchen and drink some water. Sub comes in and ask,"What's wrong?" I shake my head, not wanting to answer him, not wanting to tell him what I saw. Especially since I could be wrong. I could've been imagining things. He asks,"What's wrong, you can tell me anything." I shake my head and he starts to talk but I yell,"I don't want to talk about it!"

He nods, and he pulls me in for a hug. I break down in his arms. He carries me to the living room, and I just cry into his chest. He strokes my back and he sits on the couch. I don't care that I'm on his lap, basically crying into his chest, I don't care what he thinks of me.

I wipe my tears and I look up at his beautiful eyes. I stare at them, and I can see my reflection, and I say,"I saw him, I saw him kissing somebody." Sub asks,"What? Who?" I feel the tears coming back and I say,"My dad" Sub's eyes widen and I say,"My mom said he was dead, that liar. He was kissing another woman! I saw him!" I'm practically screaming at this point.

The tears are streaming down my face at a rapid speed, and I can never wipe away enough. We stay like that for a while, and I end up crying the whole time. I lost track of time, but I don't care, and I eventually fall asleep.

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