Chapter Fifteen

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We all get out of the car, and Sub came out after me, and he was last. We all made our way to the sandy beach. We find a good spot, where the sand is nice and warm. I hope the waters not too cold. We set some towels down on the sand and I lay on one of them, and I watch Denis and Corl burying Alex in sand.

I'm pretty sure they're not gonna help him out. I laugh because every time Alex talks, Corl just tells him to shut up. Sketch and Sub are playing in the water, splashing each other and all of a sudden, they both look at me and Sketch says something, but I can't hear, and Sub laughs and nods.

Did I mention that they're both shirtless? Denis, Corl, and Alex aren't, probably because they didn't go to the water yet. Sketch and Sub started walking towards me, and I stood up. Sub stops and laughs, but Sketch keeps walking towards me. I ask,"Sketch, what're you doing?" when he was pretty close to me.

He just mouths and 'I'm sorry' and then picks me up, bridal style. I start to scream, and the guys stop what they're doing to look at what's happening. They get up and come towards us, and Alex gets out of the sand. "STOOOOOOPPPPPPPP" I screech. Sub is standing there. I try to get out of Sketch's arms, and I slip, landing on my behind. "Ooooowwwwww...." I whine.

They just laugh and Sub comes over and picks me up. Sub brings me close to the water and I scream, but he doesn't drop me. I'm confused but he is holding me bridal style, like how Sketch was, except I'm oddly comfortable in his arms. He goes deeper into the water, and I wrap my arms around his neck, scared he's going to let go of me.

He smirks and he keeps going until the water is up to just above his stomach area. The other guys are burying Alex in the sand again, and they aren't looking at us. Sub says,"Well, you need to get wet, it's not fair." I frown and he lets me down, and the water doesn't go very high. Sub is still holding me by the waist, and he realizes it and pulls his arms back.

At least my hair isn't wet. Oh, I'm an idiot. Sub grabs me and carries me and then he kneels down so that I get completely underwater. So now my hair's wet. Since he's kneeling, the water comes up to his neck, and mine too. We laugh and Sub says,"Well, let's go back to the guys." I nod and he stands up, letting me go. He turns away from me, and he starts going back, but I jump onto his back, and yell,"I'm lazy!" He laughs, but he doesn't let me down, he just gives me a piggyback ride back to the guys.

He takes me back, and I hop off of his back and sit back down on the towel. I stare off at the water when I hear yelling. I look towards the guys, and I see Sub running away, and Denis is chasing him. Denis is yelling,"SUUUUBBBBBBB!!!!!" I laugh and Sub runs behind me, and I stand up. Denis smirks and says,"Well, Sub, you have to stop running."

Sub shakes his head and says,"Nothing you do will make me stop running from you, especially since you want to kill me." Denis says,"We'll see about that." I laugh, and Denis comes closer, probably to try to get to Sub, but since Sub's behind me, it looks like he's walking towards me.

He smirks, looking at Sub, and then, out of nowhere, he runs towards me and picks me up. Sub and I share a look, and he's holding me bridal style. Denis smirks and says,"Sub, you still gonna run?" Sub nods and takes off. Denis runs after him, me still in his arms. I start screaming,"Denis put me down you pussy cat!" 

Denis laughs and says,"No!" I scream and Sub doesn't stop running. Sub starts climbing a cliff-like thing, overlooking the water.

 Sub starts climbing a cliff-like thing, overlooking the water

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Denis followed, still not putting me down. Sub gets to the edge, and Denis gets closer, but Sub runs quickly to the side of him. Denis yells,"Stop!" Sub turns around and looks. Denis has brought me up so that our faces are about an inch or two close together. I try to struggle out of Denis' arms, but he's just too strong.

Sub says,"You wouldn't Denis..." Denis smirks and replies,"Oh, yes I would, so get over here if you wanna stop it." Sub shakes his head. What are they talking about? I say,"Denis, put me down now." He shakes his head and says,"Nope, sorry, I can't" I answer,"Why are you chasing Sub in the first place." Denis says,"He punched me in the stomach, and made me throw up my snack from earlier, now he's gotta pay." Sub says,"But you punch hard"

Denis just shrugs and his grip on me tightens, something I didn't think was possible. Sub says,"Please don't, and I'm sure she won't appreciate anyways. What is she gets hurt?" Okay now I'm really confused, what is he talking about? I notice that Sub has gotten closer, and he takes a step forward towards us, and Denis takes a step back, closer to the edge.

I get frustrated and yell,"Denis don't fall you pussy cat!" He laughs and Sub frowns. Denis says,"So you gonna let me punch you, or what?" Sub shakes his head and says,"You're gonna kill me." Denis says,"So you would rather...." Sub yells,"No!" Denis smirks and says,"Choose one, I'm not gonna kill you, it's just a punch, but she could get killed, or just get hurt, or she might be perfectly fine." Sub frowns and says,"You traitor, she's your friend!"

Denis laughs and says,"So are you." I yell,"Get it over with, whatever you're talking about, Sub's not gonna let you punch him!" Denis frowns and says,"Okay then." Denis places his hand on the back of my head and he pulls me up to his face, and he pecks my lips, for a moment, before swinging me behind him, tossing me off the edge.

I yell,"Denissssssssss!!!" I am falling backward, which mean I can see Denis' ugly face, but then it's covered by something or someone, and I see Sub. I see Sub jump over the edge. Is he crazy?! Denis yells,"Sorry!" but it gets cut off as I plunge into the water, full force. It hurts my back but quickly goes away as I swim up to the surface, gasping for air.

I notice Sub's head pop out from underwater. My legs are getting a little tired of trying to keep myself above the water. I glanced at Sub and swam to where the guys were. When they saw me coming, Alex asked,"Where's Denis?" I didn't answer, I just walked towards the towels, and grabbed one that wasn't laying on the sand. I wrapped it around myself and I headed to the car.

The car unlocked, and I looked back to see Alex holding up the key. I smile at him, and I get into the back seat. I keep the door open since I don't want to suffocate to death. I see the guys, and Denis, walking towards the car. They're probably going to drive back home, but I don't feel like talking to pussy cat or little shit, aka Denis and Sub.

The drive was quiet, the atmosphere in the car was tense, and it was like everybody had something to say, but they had to hold back. When we pulled up in the driveway, I hopped out of the car, going over Denis and Sub in their seats. I went inside and ran into my room. I slammed the door behind me and I collapsed on my bed.

I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, and then got into a teddy bear onesie, since I didn't feel like actually picking out something, plus it was cozy. I got it from my parents, on the birthday after Sub left. I wore it on the nights of eating pizza and watching YouTube. I went to my room and collapsed on my bed, and stared at my ceiling.

Am I mad? I don't know. Am I sad? I don't know. Am I frustrated? I don't know. Do I know how I feel? Obviously not. I don't know what to feel. Denis kissed me and then threw me into the water. Sub followed. Sub could've stopped it. Denis could've not done that. Do I want them to apologize? Maybe. They scared me. I thought more was going to happen. I thought I was gonna die when they were talking.

Whatever, I'm gonna have to talk to them one way or another. Especially since they're gonna be staying in my house for a month. 

I hear the doorbell ring and I get up, and I see Sub go to the door, revealing a crying woman. Not just any woman. My mother. "Mom!" I yell. She looks up, and I see her tear stained face. I run to her and embrace her. I take her to the living room and she sits next to me. Sub comes in and says,"I'll be in the guest room with the guys, we'll leave you to it." I nod and turn to face my mom.

I ask,"Mom what's wrong?" She sniffles and starts,"It's about your dad."

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