Chapter Seven

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I wake up, do the usual. It's Saturday. At least there's no school today. I really hope Spring Break comes soon. Just a week of school and then Spring Break. I go to the living room and switch on the tv. I scroll through some random channels trying to find something decent to watch. I hear the doorbell ring and get up to answer it.

I open the door and Sub are there. "Hey," I say. "Hi" he answers. I ask,"Sub, what're you doing here? Also, I feel more comfortable calling you Sub." He answers,"I noticed. I just wanted to hang out, there's nothing much to do on a Saturday." I nod and say,"Well, come in, I was just scrolling through some channels to find something to watch." He nods and heads to the living room.  I close the door and follow him. He sits down on the couch and I don't look at the tv. I look at him.

Then, I see his face turn into a face of disgust. I look at the tv, which he was watching and it was on a kissing scene. Oh gosh. I reach for the remote as fast as possible and switch the channel. The channel changes into another kissing scene. I change the channel again until I give in and turn the tv off.

That was kind of embarrassing. Sub looks at me and I say,"There's nothing good on today, I guess." He nods and I ask,"Would you like a drink?" He says,"Sure, just water though." I nod and head to the kitchen. I fill a glass up with water for Sub and water for me too. I head back to the living room and he's on his phone.

I give him his glass and I can just about make out a 'Thank you' that he muttered. I shrug it off and drink some water too. He's still on his phone, probably texting. Then, I get an idea. I run to my room and grab my laptop. I take it back to the living room and I sit next to Sub. I turn my laptop on and go to YouTube.

I go on a random video uploaded by Sub. He notices and looks at the screen and watches with me. After a few videos we watch from his channel, I get a notification for a new video from The Pals. I click on it and we watch it.

After about three hours of watching YouTube, I close the laptop and say,"Hey Sub, wanna go to the park?" He nods and I go to get some better-looking clothes. I throw on a random green t-shirt and jeans. I grab a gray and black hoodie and slip on my white converse. I go back to see Sub all ready to go.

*Time Skip to the Park*

After a while of walking, we finally get to the park. I look around to observe the area and Sub take my hand and leads me to a clearing.

 I look around to observe the area and Sub take my hand and leads me to a clearing

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He leads me and takes a seat on the grass. I take a seat next to him and we just sit there in silence listening to birds chirping and the sound of trees rustling. After a few minutes, I feel a drop of water fall onto my cheeks. I hope I'm not crying. Am I? After a few more moments, it starts sprinkling and we stand up and Subs says,"Let's go get some coffee." I nod and he leads me to a small cafe next to a thrift shop and a small Italian restaurant. We enter and he tells me to find a seat.

I take a seat while he orders. Does he know what I want? Whatever. I can have whatever they are selling, I don't really mind. I've been having a pretty good day so far, I've been a little happier since Sub came back. I just hope he doesn't hurt me again, or I just might fall ten times harder than when he left the first time.

Him leaving is not the only reason I fell. There's another reason. And another person. "Hey," Sub says, interrupting my thoughts. He says,"What's wrong, seriously," I say,"There's something I need to tell you. I saw you the day before you left. I don't know if you knew I saw, but now you do." There's a look of shock on his face and he asks,"You saw that?"

I remember everything.

I was looking around the school for Sean. I couldn't find him anywhere. I turn the corner and see him standing there. Kissing a girl. Not just any girl. My best friend. Who very much knows that I like Sean. She said she wouldn't get in the way. Was she lying? She told me she was going to move, she didn't mention anything about kissing Sean.

After Sean left, she spotted me and came up to me and said,"He doesn't like you, stop wasting your time, oh, and I never wanted to be your friend, you worthless piece of trash."

Of course, I didn't cry of break down. I would've but it hurt so much that my supposed best friend betrayed me and the guy I liked kissed her. I didn't cry, I didn't break down. I didn't yell or scream. I just stood there and watched her turn a corner.

I knew this day was coming one day. I knew he was going to kiss some other girl that wasn't me, but did it have to be the girl I trusted with my life? 

It hurt so much that I couldn't do anything. I felt numb. I didn't want to do anything.

Then, I never saw either of them after that, and I lost all hope and trust in people. I didn't try to make friends because I was afraid they would betray me.

I was afraid of what they could do.

I realized that the people you trust the most are the people who hurt you most.

My world came crashing down and I was buried under. I became distant.

I didn't let anybody help me or dig me back up. I didn't want them to.

Then Sean came back and dug me up and helped me up.

I nodded and said,"Yeah, I saw you with her." He looked like he wanted to run away and hide. I explained everything to him.

After explaining things he said,"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to a-" I cut him off and say,"Who cares, it's not like I liked you, it's just that you both left."

Deep down, I was screaming. I care. I cared a lot. I liked him. Then they both left and left me broken.

He looked like he was really sorry. I say,"Let's go now, I'm done with my coffee. He nods and walks me home. We walk up to the door and I unlock it and open it. I kick my shoes off and he closes and locks the door. "So..." he starts. "Don't, please,"I say, cutting him off. He nods and we go to the living room.

He puts on a movie and then as it starts, he goes on his phone, and I can tell that he's texting. I'm guessing the person he's texting said something to make him happy because his face lit up after he read something. He must have noticed that I was looking at him because his head jerked in my direction. The movement startled me, but he smiled.

He smiled, which I had had to return. I smiled, trying to hide the fact that it was kind of tense as we were sitting, with the movie playing in the background. We stare at each other for a while before he says,"Disneyland." I tilt my head in confusion. "What?"I ask. He says,"Do you want to go to Disneyland in Florida with my friends and me?" I ask,"What friends?" He says,"Ya know, Denis, Alex, Corl, Sketch, ya know, the Pals."

No way.

He did not just ask me to go with him to Disneyland with The Pals. 

Should I say yes?

Do I need to ask my parents?

"Yes," I say before I can think about it anymore.

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