The Next Day

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Chloe's POV

It's the next day and woke up to my alarm clock going off. "Omg it's 7:30 I'm going to be late!" I took a shower and got dressed by that time it was 7:45. "Omg I'm going to be so late for class!". I know if Anna was at a party she would be up and she would have called me and told me to get up. She'll be up soon I hope. I know Ginger will get her up at least I hope. When I got to my 8 a.m. class it was 8:10 "late again Miss Chloe." my teacher Mr.Micknew said "I am so sorry I didn't hear my alarm go off." I explained to Mr.Micknew "Okay but you better not be late again!" he said "yes sir." I said

Anna's POV

My dog Ginger woke me up 9:00 to let her out. After I let her back in I took a shower and got my clothes on and straightened my hair. Then I got Ginger all ready and I put my socks and shoes on. "I hope Chloe didn't over sleep" I said to myself. I brushed my teeth and my hair (this is an everyday Anna thing so yea). I was fixing me some eggs when I got a FaceTime phone call. It was my best friend Chloe I answered the phone "hey did you over sleep?" "no but I was late for class." she said "oh." I said "so we going to McDonalds or not?" I added "yea I'll meet you there." Chloe said "kk." I said. I went out to my car and started it to let it get warm because of the snow that we have (it's winter in the story). I went back inside and got my jacket on and I got Ginger and put her in her car-seat (yes I know Ginger is a dog but i treat her like she is human) I put her seat-belt on her and drove off to McDonalds to meet Chloe.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter stay tuned for the next one! please vote that would make me so so so so so happy! Thanks!!!! :-)

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