Food poison & fighting wha???

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Kamryn's POV

I'm soooooo happy Anna's here. She's the best thing a gurl could ever have. She's my sister and I love her. So anyways me and Anna are on our way to see this movie named Smiley. I hear it's scary but me and Anna are going to find out one way or another. So we are at the movies and these ads are on so me and Anna just start saying random stuff like we just don't care. Then when the movie started we shut our pie holes and watched the movie. After the movie was over it was night time and tell me tell ya that movie scared the daylights out of me and Anna, so we're in the car driving to Wendy's to get something to eat and Anna says "So yea I don't really want to drive so you drive. You know just in case smiley comes" "um heck to the no" I said "he can get you not me!" I added " oh I hate you." Anna said "love you too gurl!" I Said back. When we got to Wendy's me and Anna ate our food there after that we went home to watch some Disney channel cause you know they have some really good shows. After that Anna started to feel really sick so I took her to the hospital and they kept her over night. It's the next day and I'm going to go get Anna from the hospital. I'm at the hospital and they said she has food poison. Later that day we saw a post on Facebook it was about what Wendy's do to the food. Let me tell ya I'll never eat there in my life again. After that me and Anna went for a walk at 1:00 we didn't come back to the house till 6:00. "Where have you two been?!?!?" Michael said "we was walking dang" I said "it took y'all five hours to walk?!?!?!" he said "OMG MICHAEL JUST ACCEPT THE FACT THAT ME AND KAMRYN ARE GOIN TO BE DOING STUFF TOGETHER FOR LIKE THREE TO SEVEN HOURS GOSH WE HAVENT SEEN EACH OTHER IN A WHILE AND ALL WE WANT TO DO IS HANG OUT AND DONT YOU DARE YELL AT HER CAUSE IF YOU EVER YELL AT HER THEN IM GOING TO PUT YOU 12 FEET UNDERGROUND THATS RIGHT 12 NOT 6. SO DEAL WITH ME AND KAMRYN HANGING OUT. GOD I SWEAR CAN SHE NOT DO ANYTHING WITHOUT U CALL OR TEXTING OR YELLING OR GETTING MAD AT HER FOR GOSH!!!!" Anna yelled. After that she went up to the guest bedroom. Dang I've never seen her yell that much. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT FOR BRINGING HER HERE!!!" Michael yelled at me. Anna came a running after him. Soon they was in the floor fighting. I would try to do something but I just couldn't cause Michael yell at me cause of Anna. I could really use Anna right now but she's fighting Michael. It was 12:30 by the time they stopped fighting in the floor. After that me and Anna went for a midnight walk. "Hey what do I do about Michael???" I asked Anna "we'll as long as I'm here he won't yell at you ever again." she said "I know but what do I do when your gone back???" I said about to cry "if he yells at you, you text me and I'll make you a trip to come live at my place with me and ginger." she said "okay thanks!" I said "any day." she said. Anna is really good person so now Michael can't do nothing to I got Anna to back me up. When we got back home me and Anna stayed in the guest room while Michael stayed in mine and his room. I swear Michael gets on my nerves sometimes URGH!!! Soon me and Anna was asleep.


Hey guys hope u like this I'm soooooo sorry I haven't updated in awhile but I had food poison and I had west test so that was hard on me so. Leave me a comment on what u think about this chapter. Leave a vote/like. Share with ur friends. Thanks !!! :-) !!! I'm out SEE YA. I'll be back tomorrow don't worry lol u silly people

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