Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

(Debra’s POV)

            We watched and listened to a lot of girls, and a few guys that were trying out, and twenty minutes later, the door opened.

            "Oh, here he comes now." I said looking over.

            Nick walked into the auditorium. “Sorry I’m late,” Nick Jonas said as he put his stuff down and walks over to the table to hand me his paperwork. “I got stuck in traffic getting here.”

            Amber and Leslie's mouths dropped open and looked at each other as everyone else in the room was impressed that Nick Jonas was there.

            "Oh my God, Deb you can't be serious." Christian said looking at me.

            "Oh she is," Nick said with a smirk. "Come on guys, ya know ya can't do a show without me." 

            Nick then turns around and his eyes widened when he saw Leslie. "Well, well, well…" he said, "hey baby; looks like we meet again."

            Leslie nervously looked at Christian.

            "I really cannot believe you," he said softly toward me.

            "Will you just trust me on this Chris?" I asked. “At least let him audition?”

            At that moment, Nick looked over at Amber, and studied her up and down. "Well, well, aren't you a hottie?"

            Christian gave me a death stare, "No, Deb, I don't believe I can trust you on this."

            “Amber’s a big girl; she can take care of herself. Leslie I’m sure can too.”

            “But Nick can do anything to get them to go out with him and next thing we know, Amber’s been hurt, and Leslie.”

            “Then we’ll take that chance in not let it happen.”

            Nick was given the script from one of the directors, and he goes to sit down, surprisingly away from Amber and Leslie.

            Amber and Leslie looked at me as I frown and worded, “I’m so sorry.”

            Amber nodded and looked at Leslie, she said something to Leslie and she nods too.

            Amber grabbed her phone to text something, as soon as she put her phone back as Christian’s phone vibrates. He picked it up, looks at Amber as she nodded, and he soon opens the text, reads it, and looks at me showing me what it said.

Amber: Leslie and I agree to do the show. You do need a ‘big name’ to sell more seats. If Nick pushes either one of us, we will quiet the show and you will have to find another replacement.

            “They’ll do it, but it’ll be your head if they leave,” Chris told me.

            I nodded, “It’s a deal.”

            We went back to work.


(Amber’s POV)

            Oh ya, I was pissed on what Deb did, but this really wasn’t my place to call on who can or can’t be in the show. I had to explain that to Leslie, and she agreed, let him tryout, see how well he does. It was the directors and producers’ chooses… not ours. If Nick did cause issues then we were going to leave and they would have to find someone else.

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