Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

(break time)

(Debra’s POV)

            Oh God, I am such a freaking IDIOT! I should have known Jonas would be a problem. Chris and Amber both are going to hate me for sure. What the hell am I going to do? Well, first of all, I guess I better go talk to Chris. God help me. I walked over to Christian after we called for a break.

            "Hey, how's it going, Chris?" I asked nervously.

            "How do you think it's going, Deb?" he asked through gritted teeth. "Your ‘star’ is causing trouble. And are you really surprised? If he does not, straighten his ass up, the show is going to be a disaster!”

            "Look Chris, you really need to talk to Amber tonight, tell her how you feel before Jonas causes any more trouble," I said.

            "I don't know if I can." Chris said.

            "You have to!" I said sternly. "You need to tell her that you love her and you need to do it soon!"

            "All right, all right, I will, I'll go talk to her," he said getting up.

            We went out to go find Amber, and there was Nick and the girls talking, as we got closer, we heard Nick…

            “Please, I watched you singing your heart out…” Nick said folding his arms. “You two so practiced that scene… so you have to be sleeping with him.”

            "Who said that I was sleeping with who?" Christian said as I stood beside him.

            “Amber said that you slept together so she can get the part,” Nick said.

            “I’m sorry Mr. Jonas, but my personal life outside of theatre is none of your business. Miss Park is a close and personal friend as Ms. Messing, and we’ve all done shows together.” Chris folds his arms, “I knew Miss Park would be wonderful for the role, without needing to take advantage of her, unlike what I heard about your personal issues.”

            “So, don’t start harassing our stars,” I added. “We make the calls of who can and can’t be in the show, and right now, you’re on thin ice pal.”

            “Yeah yeah, ok, I got ya. No harassing here. As of now I will behave myself,” he smiled at Christian and Debra.

            “It’s time to go back into the room,” I told the girls.

            Amber and Leslie quickly walked around Nick and headed back into the room passing us.

            “Look I’m sorry,” Nick said turning around. “Amber just said something nasty to me and I had to correct her.”

            “I’m sorry Mr. Jonas, but Miss Park does like to say what she sees and hears. This is the theatre business and you hear everything going on,” Chris said. “Now, we are starting back up so you need to head inside.”

            Nick walked past us and went back inside.

            I looked at Chris, “Are you okay?” I asked him.

            “How dare he say Amber and I are sleeping together! I can't even get a smooch let alone a roll in the hay! The upset look on my girl's face makes me wanna ring his neck! I want to go hug Amber and tell her it’s okay.”

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