Chapter 2

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"Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind.

Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends
Those cunning folk use any means
To achieve their ends".


They didn't talk for all the rest of the journey.
Tom had his book to entertain himself.
Evelyn just had the world out of the window and her thoughts.
When the sun set and darkness started to fall the train slowed down and came to a stop.
Evelyn jumped up to reach the door but Tom got the same hurry and they almost fight to go out.
An old wizard called the first years and led them to a narrow path.
Evelyn sighed with relief, enjoying every second far from her cousin Milly.
All her bad thoughts vanished when they stopped on the edge of a large black lake. And there, on the opposite side on a high mountain, her new home stood: a magnificent big castle, a brand new world all to be discovered.
Evelyn got already excited at the idea of exploring it wholly.
Little boats carried them across the lake.
Evelyn couldn't take her eyes off of the castle, but a lively boy in her same boat was trying to make the boat reverse and ruined the trip.
A dark tunnel under the castle guided them to a harbor, then they walked to the front door, where a tall wizard welcomed them.
Evelyn smiled recognizing him as the popular Albus Dumbledore.
The man explained what they were about to face while walking into the entrance hall, saying things that were unnecessary to some but vital and confusing to others.
Then he led them into the Great Hall and again Evelyn was captivated with wonder, since everything in that castle was far more fantastic and monumental than the descriptions she heard.
Evelyn started to feel feverish thinking of what was going to happen. Her destiny was about to be written.
Nervously she casted a fast glance to the green and silver table, knowing that a pair of the most hostile eyes were fixed on her, waiting for her to fail and cover herself with shame.
When the first years stopped in front of the teachers' table, she eyed the Sorting Hat with diffidence and stiffening she heard its song, being captured by its description of the Slytherin house and the words 'real friends', 'cunning folk', 'use any means to achieve their ends'.
People expected her to become a Slytherin, as most of her relatives, as her education imposed her.
Blankly she observed the first boys stepping forward to be sorted. A Bellchant, some Blacks, a Bones, a Brown.
Then her name echoed in the whole room.
"Evelyn Burke!".
She was sure she heard some laughs, but didn't care. Most of the people were staring at her, most of them were strangers who didn't care much of the House she'd have been sorted into. Bit her life depended on it.
She sat on the stool and wih an encouraging smile Dumbledore put the old hat on her head.
Another Burke, huh? A voice whispered in her ears It's easy to guess where they belong.
No Slytherin. Please, I can't be sorted there. She thought desperately I'm loyal to Slytherin, but some people there would destroy me. I'm not a coward, I just want to survive.
Hmm, Slytherin was my first choice for you. Everything in your mind suit the perfect Slytherin. But you also have traits that make you good for my second choice. You're a Slytherin, my dear, but I'll put you in..
Some gasps joined the perplexed reaction of part of the spectators, while the blue and bronze table cheered her laudly and warmly welcomed her.
Evelyn mentally thanked the hat and joined her new housemates grinning, catching for a moment the shocked and soon mocking face from her Slytherin cousin.
She barely followed the ceremony, deeply amazed by the many possibilities that opened in front of her.
She just clapped her hands when she heard her new House's name and watched her new mates sitting next to her.
One name caught her attention and she held high her head to see the tall boy she shared the compartment with on the train stepping forward.
Tom Riddle was his name.
Clearly a muggle name.
And the hat instantly sorted him into Slytherin.

The dinner was delicious and abundant.
Evelyn talked more to ghosts than to her housemates, but she didn't mind.
When they stood up to follow the prefects to their dormitories, a hand rudely grabbed her wrist squeezing hard.
"Congratulations, little useless mouse" Milly's hateful voice hissed to her "You shamed your family. I'm looking forward to see our family's reaction".
Evelyn smirked recklessly "I can imagine your parents' one. Oh, we're so proud of you. We wish we were there to cheer you".
Milly grimaced, then shoot her a daring look. It wasn't over. It was just the beginning of the war.

The solemn statue of Rowena Ravenclaw welcomed her in the Common Room, that was simply a library.
The girls gathered in front of the girls' dormitory' s door where their luggage were placed, choosing the rooms. Couples and groups of friends were already formed and Evelyn felt lonely because she was still friendless.
She was picked as last chance by a trio who had a forth bed empty.
Two of her new roomates seemed disliking her by nature. The third one looked more gently and was the first to openly speak to her. Evelyn remembered her to be sorted right after her. Katrine Caulfield.
"You can call me Kat" she said choosing the bed next to hers, that was next to the window "And by the way I love your hair".
"Thank you" Evelyn smiled shyly, but couldn't find something nice to say back.
"So are you a metamorphmaga?".
"No. Well, I don't think so. I just have this weirdness with my hair colour that changes according to my mood. But just from blonde to brown to black. Nothing more".
"It's something unique. I already envy you. My parents even thought I was a squib because I never showed magic, but here I am".
"I'm sure you'll become a great witch" Evelyn said kindly.
Kat gave her a sideways glance "Don't be so sure. You don't know me".
"Not yet" Evelyn replied as a challenge.

Getting used to a new place, a new bed and new people wasn't easy. Even if she felt tired, Evelyn needed a lot of time to fall asleep.
She thought back at the news from the day that just ended.
She wasn't a Slytherin. She wondered if her parents would have disagreed with that, but they were no more.
Evelyn was alone against a wicked world.
And she felt so powerful. She decided her own destiny, she had the common room and dormitories far away from Milly's ones, she was in a different House from her, she had much more chances and resources to plan her revenges.
She loved that feeling. Knowledge is power. And Ravenclaw was the best source of any kind of knowledge.

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