Chapter 9

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"Firstly, and very importantly, Voldemort was, I believe, more attached to this school than he has ever been to a person. Hogwarts was where he had been happiest; the first and only place he had felt at home."
"Secondly, the castle is a stronghold of ancient magic. Undoubtedly Voldemort had penetrated many more of its secrets than most of the students who pass through the place, but he may have felt that there were still mysteries to unravel, stores of magic to tap"


Evelyn was mentally cursing Malfoy for her disgusting accident. She wanted to forget it as soon as possible just as she walked away from the infirmary.
Adele and Kat accompanied her, trying to comfort her that she had no signs of what happened, but when she stepped into their common room her mates cheered her and Vincent welcomed her with a bunch of sunflowers.
"What's that for?" She asked shocked.
"Because you're wonderful again, darling" he gave her a quick kiss on her cheek.
"Again? What do you mean?" She looked diffident, then gasped in horror "So do you also know..?".
"Ehm, I saw Riddle carrying you to the infirmary. I wish I could have helped you. So now these are for begging your forgiveness".
"There's nothing to forgive" she hushed him, recalling that her saviour was Riddle. Vincent was never there when she needed him; he became sticky when she only wished to stay alone.

Her next lesson with the Slytherins was Potion.
Evelyn was distracted by her thoughts and worries and time seemed moving slower.
When finally the bell announced the end of the lesson, Evelyn only needed to catch a good occasion and she followed the Slytherin boys in the dungeons.
She had to wave to him, but it was Lestrange who noticed her and poked Riddle, who understood by a quick glance at her and signed her to follow him in a smaller corridor.
Evelyn wondered where he was taking her because he didn't stopped after taking many different corridors, but then he just simply stopped and turned towards her.
"First, I want to thank you" she started.
"It was my duty. Good to see that you're fully recovered".
She was surprised that he wasn't mocking her, but he looked truly relieved "Yeah luckily. Second, I think that by chasing you I got totally lost here".
He laughed softly "I can show you the way out".
She looked around herself, thinking of how different it was from her tower, where there was only one staicase "You're lucky to live here. These dungeons are so intricated, there must be a lot of secrets hidden here".
"What is it that you're looking for?" He asked suspicious.
"I don't know".
His face showed that he didn't believe her.
"What about you, Riddle? You're definitely looking for something. Maybe it's something I've already found out?".
"What is it that you've found out? The Chamber of Secrets?".
"So is it then, the Chamber of Secrets" she smirked but in a dark place like that also a legend was potentially possible.
"You're seeking it too?" He asked alarmed.
"Honestly no. But I wouldn't be unhappy if I casually find it".
"Then what is it that you're seeking?".
She pondered his eyes, she had made a promise but Riddle ws the only one who she truly trusted in that castle and who could understand.
"Merlin was a Slytherin" she whispered.
He frowned with disappoint "Everyone knows that".
"Yeah and sadly I'm not in that house. So I'm deeply disadvantaged".
He understood her message and smirked "If you need my help, you only need to ask".
"I don't know what to ask. I'm looking for Merlin's secrets and I don't know of they are somehow linked to your Chamber. But we both are investigating around two of the greatest wizards of all times, both of the House of Slytherin. Is it just a coincidence?".
His face showed that his answer was a no but he looked interested in collaborating.
"It could be a long seek. Are you sure you're perseverant enough to discover something?".
She smiled with confidence "My perseverance already awarded me with some precious things you can't even imagine how valuable they are, so it's definitely a yes. Maybe if we try enough we would be able also to reunite all the relics of our four Founders".
Riddle shared the spark of wild joy that crossed her eyes, the. shook his head "You're too ambitious for being a Ravenclaw".
"Being a Ravenclaw doesn't mean being useless. I discovered that lady Ravenclaw herself has a lot of secrets too and I'm looking forward to uncover them too" she announced, catching his full attention, but she said bye and walked away.
"That's the wrong direction" he warned her at her back "Didn't you need help to find the way out?".
"It can be a little practice for me, seeking the right direction" she said to him and walked away fast before he could follow her.
She needed some time to find the main staircase out of the dungeons, but a nasty voice called her out.
"What is a freak like you doing in the snake's holes?".
Evelyn turned to face her cousin, who came out from a dark corner with a bad face.
"I had Potion class" Evelyn simply replied.
"Hanging out with the famous Vincent Fawley made you so arrogant?".
"Don't call arrogance what is just indifference".
"I keep wondering what curse you used on him to make him fall at your smelly feet".
Evelyn raised her head with confidence "None at all. I know well that I'm not beautiful, I'm not special. But he accepted me as I am. You should watch yourself and see if perhaps you need to change yourself a bit, in order to be noticed in a positive ways by the others".
Evelyn smiled at her to mock her and turned her back.
"You wretch. Don't think you're safe just because you sold yourself to that dumb Fawley. He'll leave you soon and it will be just the beginning of your hell".
Evelyn scoffed at that and walked away, careful in case of a sudden attack, but nothing happened.

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