Chapter 15

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When she woke up in the following morning she felt good.
The burdens on her heart were gone. Her change in her life didn't go bad as she feared and she couldn't ask for anything more.
She stepped out of the tower earlier than usual and her heart leaped recognizing a familiar figure standing by a window.
"Good morning" Tom said with a smile that warmed his handsome features.
"Good morning" she repeated "What are you doing here?".
"Walking you to breakfast. What else?".
Evelyn blushed, but she was glad that nobody was around, except for some annoying portraits.

The Great Hall was almost empty when they stepped in there.
Without a word, they took different directions to join their opposite tables.
Evelyn couldn't help but being rigid like she committed a crime and was waiting for the world crush on her. Her friends agreed to keep the secret, but Tom started to do anything to ruin it. Although she didn't dislike his attentions.
She wasn't hungry but she forced to swallow something, focusing on the food, but she had the feeling that Riddle was staring at her all the time, even if it wasn't true.

When they were separated she always had the suspect that he revealed it to everyone and she would be the last one to know about it.
She sat in the empty classroom, glad to have avoided the crowds. But someone else had her same idea.
"Are you used to come here so early?" His lovely voice echoed in the room, making her startle.
"No, not this early" she replied rigidly.
He sat next to her, his leg brushing hers.
She stiffened while he wrapped an arm around her shoulders to pull her closer.
"We can make it official, you know" he whispered to her ear, making her shiver.
"What do you mean?".
He moved his brow as it was obvious "There's no need to keep our relationship secret anymore. We already have too much else to keep secret".
"How? Like snogging in the middle of a crowd?".
She blushed violently, incredulous that she let out such word.
He laughed softly, his breath tickling her skin.
"We can do that too. Otherwise there are simplier ways to show that you're mine".
She gaped, but forgot what she wanted to tell. His lips were hovering on hers. She couldn't move back for his hand was holding the back of her head.
"But first you have to get used to it".
His lips touched hers softly, without any emotion. Like he was just experimenting and playing with her opposite feelings.
Evelyn forgot how to breath properly. The whole world seemed vanished, leaving just her and Riddle.
And she liked it.
A loud thud broke the magic.
Professor Dumbledore was readying his desk "Good morning guys. You're so impatient to follow my lesson, aren't you?".
"Sure, sir" Riddle replied with a smile while Evelyn blushed violently and hoped to hide under her desk.

Days passed since her world had turned upside down and she didn't know how to get used to it.
She kept doing all her duties, but she had to remember that she was with Tom, not with Vincent anymore. That she moved from the light to the dark.
She was hurrying alone to her next lesson when she heard another familiar voice calling her. She turned and saw Neal running towards her.
"I need to talk to you" he forcefully pulled her by her arm until they stopped in a corner.
"What did you do?" He asked bewildered.
"What I thought was right" she stammered.
"Listen, if it's because of that stupid bet, I'm sorry. I never meant for you two to break up. But I heard rumours about you and Riddle? Is that real? Oh, come on, someone dangerous like Riddle?".
The idea that also Vincent came to know about it made her stressed. But one of her new duties was also defending Tom "Just because he's a Slytherin doesn't mean he's dangerous".
He scoffed at that "He had been wooing you since you're both prefect, hadn't he? He was always around, I had to realize he wanted to steal you from Vincent".
"That's false. But that's not the matter. I broke with Vincent because I didn't feel what he felt for me and it was senseless to keep trying. That was the reason I couldn't even share a kiss with him. He's such a good boy, but if there's not that deep attraction, why should I pretend? I did what was the best for both of us".
Neal was speechless. She was surprised too for her words, but most of eas she felt broken hearted. She hated losing him Neal as a friend.

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