Chapter 39

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"...The supreme act of evil. By commiting murder. Killing rips the soul apart.
The wizard intent upon creating a Horcrux would use the damage to his advantage"



Also the seasons turned cold and London had to deal with a particularly freezing winter.
The clients demanded unusual artefacts to warm their homes and somehow Tom had predicted that kind of situation, so he had filled the shop with objects that created good profits.
Caractacus was overjoyed and before for Christmas he announced that Tom has repaid his debt.

The excitement was slightly cooled by the holidays that kept them busier than usual because of the people who looked for alternative Christmas presents.
Evelyn missed her Christmas holidays spent at Hogwarts.
Now she was usually back home late after spending the day dealing with any kind of customers.

One afternoon she was surprised to find Tom already at home. He was feeding Hydra with some little mice.
"Hey, you're already back!" She exclaimed with surprise, taking her cloak off. The joy she saw in the people in the streets affected her. She needed to be positive to survive the cold weather and the busy days.
He welcomed her with a warm smile "I'm sorry for not coming to pick you from the shop. I didn't want to risk meeting your uncle who would find me another task. By the way I made you some hot chocolate".
"Really? You're so kind" she said beaming. It was something so unusual to hear him saying something so banal, but she was grateful for a taste of normality.
"You need something hot in these cold days" he provoked her placing the warm cup into her hands.
She tasted the chocolate and moaned at the good sensation, then narrowed her eyes at the young man who was just looking at her "What happened? Another boring day with Miss Smith? Or should I say lovely Miss Hebzibah?".
"You're so sweet when you're jealous" he pulled her closed and kissed the corner of her lips, tasting chocolate, then pulled her into a hungry kiss.

Evelyn couldn't tell if she enjoyed more the chocolate or that breathtaking kiss that brought to something hotter. She felt good. She couldn't complain if she had a handsome wizard to spend her free time with, someone who still desired her and who never stopped giving her unique sensations. So she ordered herself to enjoy the moment.
"Don't we need a small holiday in these days?" She asked when she was able to think properly again "Maybe a trip to celebrate your birthday?".
Tom's smirk turned into an apologizing smile "We can't afford that now. We have to save money for our bigger journey. And didn't you want to plan something special for your uncle's birthday?".
"Yeah but it's in next months. I wanted something special for you as well" she complained.
"Well I already have in my arms what I want for the end of this year" his arms wrapped tighter around her.
She giggled "Did you pour anything into the chocolate to make me fall easier into your intentions?".
His lips were teasing her neck and stoppes to whisper into her ear "I don't need any potion to get what I want from you".

In the next spring Caractacus was turning one hundred year old and although he didn't want any kind of celebrations, if he didn't want to hang out, celebrations were going to him.
When the big day came, he old wizard opened the shop, as in any other day, while in the back shop Evelyn was nervous.
"Someone will come. Don't worry about that" Tom whispered. He got a free day from his missions, but he would stay in the shop anyway "You should worry about that plunging neckline".
His eyes traveled down and she elbowed him "It's fine. I'm not naked".
He slightly scowled at her and his fingers buttoned up her dress on her chest "There's no need to show more".
"It helps this shop growing better" she insisted, trying not to react to his soft touch.
"There are other ways to make it grow. I want the exclusive on some views" he insisted and walked passed her.
"You're annoying when you're jealous" she scoffed and followed him, just in time to see Caractacus's reaction when some of his old friends stepped into the shop shouting greetings to him and carrying a crate with bottles of wine covered with dust.
"This wine is as old as you! Best bottles of that year!" One of them claimed, his mouth showing some lacking teeth whenever he opened it.
Caractacus was deeply moved and unable to hide it behind his usual hard face.
Evelyn and Tom were the younger people of all those who joined the celebrations and they took care of the shop before it could be all messed up.
The guests who were the least comfortable in there were Milly's parents. They never got on well with Caractacus and hated that shop, but they wanted to take advantage of it also to meet their common niece. Evelyn barely paid some visit to them in all those months since she moved in with Tom, rejecting their regular invitations.
Nevertheless they greeted her warmly.

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