Chapter 28

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'I who have gone further than anybody along the path that leads to immortality.'


They groaned when their backs hit violently the ground.
"Where the hell are we?" Tom snapped standing up and watching the girl crawling on the ground "Did you believe you could push me into this trap and abandon me here?".
Evelyn raised on her knees shooting him a bad glance as reply to his menacing tone.
"Well, here we are now" she stood up and transfigurated her school uniform into a medieval green dress.
"What the hell are you doing?" He hissed staring at her, while she waved her hair, making them turn golden. He blinked confused by her new look.
"You should hide that ring" she suggested glancing at his hand.
"Why?" He asked coldly.
"Because I know what I am doing" she grabbed his hand and took his ring away "It's better if I keep it".
He reacted when she hid the ring under her dress "That ring is mine. You can't take it!".
She didn't feel intimidated and held her head high, staring back at his angry face so close to hers "It's the best for you. You should thank me. You will get it back, I swear".
He held his lips tight, but stopped arguing. He looked around himself. There was nothing to indicate where they fell from "So what is this? An illusion? Where are we?".
"We are farther than you can ever imagine" she said gloomily "This is the tenth century".
He scanned her with diffidence "So we are in the past? In a memory?".
"We are into history, let's say".
"And how do we get out from here?".
She shrugged "I don't know".
His eyes narrowed "Don't fool me. You always got back. How can't you know it?".
"Because it just happened by chance" she explained impatiently "The first time I was in the middle of a battle, I was about to die when I noticed a painting on some rocks with a Golden Snitch . I looked closer and I fell back into our time. The second time I searched that painting but it was nowhere to be found. I just happened to notice a drawing with a sneakoscope and I was back. I didn't mean to come back here".
Tom stared at her shaking his head with disappointment "So you backstabbed me, pushed me into his trap, knowing that probably I couldn't come back. And if I could I would surely tortured you with my bare hands".
She didn't feel intimidated by his harsh words. She couldn't even blame him "Well, I'm already paying for this, if you haven't noticed it. Now we just need to survive".
He opened his mouth to complain, but Evelyn heard something flying against them and her instinct made her push Tom away and she jumped on the ground before an arrow could hit her.
A blow of energy knocked out the attacker from his hiding place.
"Lady Evelyn" Slytherin's mellifluous voice made her startle "I saw you performing great bits of magic and still I can have the pleasure to save you".
She stood up smiling gratefully at him, but Tom raised with his wand, his eyes still widened in shock.
Slytherin reacted aiming his wand at him.
Evelyn jumped between them with her arms raised "No, wait! He's with me".
Slytherin glanced between her and the boy, then lowered his wand with a shrug "Of course he is. He is wearing your walking dead outfit".
Tom glanced at his own uniform, then said something but Evelyn couldn't understand him.
Slytherin's face lit with a wild excitement. He replied in the same language, then turned to the girl speaking in English "But let's not cut out our beautiful lady from our conversation. I'm surprised, boy. I hardly met others like us except for my family".
Tom had realized who he just spoke too, Evelyn understood from his shocked face.
"Tom, he is Salazar Slytherin, surely you heard speaking of him" she introduced to Tom, who just bowed, speechless.
"But what's going on? Who dared to attack us? Didn't we have a deal with those muggles?".
Salazar smiled amused "My dear, you disappear for days, then you come back just to ask so many questions. Some muggles rebelled to the deal and keep fighting us".
"What deal?" Tom asked, unhappy for being cut out from the conversation, his eyes never leaving Salazar.
Salazar glanced between the two students "So if he the one you were looking for?".
"No" Evelyn stammered "He is helping me".
"What's your name boy?".
Evelyn glanced worried at Tom, who pondered his possibilities "They call me Tom".
Slytherin watched him with diffidence "Your full name".
Tom swallowed, then said "Lord Voldemort".
Evelyn stared at him gloomily.
"Lord? Well, I'm not surprised if she calls you Tom" Salazar said amused "You should change. It's hard for me to look at you with her clothes".
It was a rare thing to see Tom so bewildered.
Evelyn enjoyed it, but she was worried at the same time.
Salazar waved lazily his wand and Tom's uniform turned into medieval clothes that made him look like a shepherd. It should have amused her, instead she admired him speechless because he was so attractive also with those clothes on.
Salazar smirked, the only one who was amused.
"So is it safe to introduce him to the castle?" Salazar asked her.
"Yes, I can guarantee for him" she replied firmly, enough to convince the wizard.
He led the way.
Evelyn glanced at Tom, who was still shocked, and nodded him to move.
They walked through the woods, without speaking. Salazar had a faster pace and didn't care to wait for them.
Suddenly Tom grabbed Evelyn's arm making her wince in pain and hissed into her ear "Swear that you won't go back without me".
She scowled at him "I swear. I swear that we will go back together. Do you swear the same?".
"I swear" he said checking that Salazar wasn't turning back.
They kept walking until the castle appeared. Evelyn saw on Tom's face the same surprise mixed with disappointment that should have been on her face too when she first saw that.

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