Chapter 12

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"Those whom I could persuade to talk told me that Riddle was obsessed with his parentage. This is understandable, of course; he had grown up in an orphanage and naturally wished to know how he came to be there. It seems that he searched in vain for some trace of Tom Riddle senior on the shields in the trophy room, on the lists of prefects in the old school records, even in the books of Wizarding history. Finally he was forced to accept that his father had never set foot in Hogwarts. I believe that it was then that he dropped the name forever, assumed the identity of Lord Voldemort, and began his investigations into his previously despised mother's family - the woman whom, you will remember, he had thought could not be a witch if she had succumbed to the shameful human weakness of death"


Evelyn looked out from the window while the Hogwarts Express was running through the fields of England and then of Scotland.
She felt nervous because of the badge she had now to wear.
Neal wrapped an arm around her, something that Vincent didn't dare to do. But Evelyn knew that Neal was in love with someone else and he was acting flirty only to tease his friend.
She looked around her and felt in the middle of strangers. She wished she could join Adele and Kat instead of her boyfriend's gang.
A knock broke the conversation and Evelyn's eyes widened when she recognized Riddle focusing on her.
"Miss Burke, professor Dumbledore requires our presence in his compartment now" he said ignoring the others.
"Go, our perfect Prefect" Neal chanted helping her up and pushing her away before Vincent could catch her for a warmer goodbye.
Evelyn closed the compartment door a bit too loudly and followed the Slytherin boy.
He eyed her slightly nervously, then said "I'm sorry for my sudden visit to your uncle's shop".
She had other in mind, but mentioning that visit worried her "Don't be. It was unexpected. I didn't mean to be rude".
"You weren't. I would have reacted in the same way".
She spotted the large compartment that was their destination and abruptly turned towards the boy, leaning closer to him.
"I need to tell you something quite important. Is it alright if we meet privately later or in the next days?".
He frowned "Can't you tell me now?".
"No, later" she said stiffly, then hurried to step into the compartment, welcomed by the professors.

Being a Prefect meant more responsibilities than advantages, but at least Evelyn enjoyed the idea that she didn't have to corrupt prefects anymore when she broke some rules.
The arrival to the castle was a relief.
Evelyn was free to reach her friends and pretend for a moment she could enjoy the school like in the past years.
"How did the reunion go?" Adele asked after listig all the cool things she did in the holidays.
"Boring. Just plenty of new duties. Like we don't have already too much to study and do".
Kat smirked "That's why I never wanted to become a Prefect".
Adele leaned closer and whispered to Evelyn "Riddle had been staring at you for most of the supper".
Evelyn turned to look at the Slytherin table but Adele stopped her.
"What you doing?" She hissed slapping her hand them impatiently asked "What happened? Is there something you didn't tell me?".
"No. And as far as we know he never cared for girls".
Adele gave her a bad look "Yeah. As far as I know".
"Why don't you call Vincent and make him move closer?" Kat suggested.
"He's busy with his friends" Evelyn cut out and checked again the green and silver table.
He was staring at her again and she stared back trying to guess what his game was.
Then he understood what was wrong with him. He was trying to use legilimency on her again, but he couldn't anymore.
She couldn't help but keep a triumphant grin. Her efforts during the summer fully rewarded her.

Evelyn took advantage of teasing him at the first occasion. They were both Prefects so it wasn't susoect anynore if they talked to each other publicly.
"You can't take your eyes off of me, can you?" She smirked at him.
He smirked back "Don't blame me if you're so magnetic".
"Do you have an interesting schedule this year?".
"Why don't we compare them?" He offered his schedule and she showed him hers.
"Hmm, this year we have in common Arithmancy, Transfiguration, Astronomy and Defence Against Dark Arts. It's going to be interesting".
"That's too much. We also have some of the patrolling hours together" she pouted.
"We have more than you imagine. I talked to Dumbledore and persuaded him that it was more efficient if we match different houses in a constructive way. Meaning that the Prefect girls patrol mainly their own floor, while the Prefect boys patrol mainly far from their own common room".
She frowned "So you have all the fun and I'll get boring on my tower?".
"No, you won't be alone there. Just saying, you would be matched with me, so I'll keep an eye on you and you can't help you own mate" he smirked.
"It sounds wicked just because you suggested it. At least I won't have that other Ravenclaw prefect sticking around me. He's quite annoying".
"Don't worry. He won't have much chance to make your Fawley jealous" he whispered with an accomplish wink.
She shrugged "So we have Arithmancy together now?".
"Yes. I'm curious to see how skilled you are in this subject since we never attended the courses together. Did you pick all the subjects this year? I didn't".
"No, I keep avoiding Muggle Studies and Divination".
"Same as me, then. We are going to be the ones to get the higher scores again since I don't think other get as many subjects as we do. And see, we are still alive".
"If you want to be the top student, I'll give up on Arithmancy".
"I do not. I want to be that with you" he hissed to her and she stared at him confused.
For a moment he kept staring at her then he stepped back commenting "You made outstanding progresses this summer. I'm impressed".
Evelyn smiled proudly "Don't speak too fast. I hope to do better here at school".
"I don't underestimate you. Not after seeing you with Ravenclaw's diadem. Did you sell it?".
"No, I gave it back to professor Merrythought, back as the ugly iron crown that it was before".
"What a pity. I really wished it was the real diadem. It looked really great on you. Maybe this year you will wear it again and surprise me again with some new skills".
"I leave the role to anyone else. But maybe this year you will be Salazar Slytherin. Nobody would fit better than you. And you can bring some snakes to be more realistic?".
He shot her a bad glance to silence her "I don't think this stuff is made for me. But if you will be a founder again, I'll about it and perhaps change my mind. But I would like to bring something cool like Slytherin's wand to fit since he didn't have a diadem. His wand is lost too right?".
She tried to imagine them dancing dressed as the founders and she had to forbid that kind of stuff into her mind.
"Slytherin's wand? Oh, well, it's buried somewhere in America. But why do you care? You argued with your own wand? You can keep using yours".
"How the hell do you know that?" He snapped.
"I just know" she rolled her eyes and realized that they sat in the classroom next to each other.
She was so lost into the discussion and her fantasies that she didn't notice what she was doing.
The professor asked for attention and started to explain the topics they were goig to deal with in the next months.
Evelyn was bored and frequently glanced at Riddle, who seemed so willing to scribble in his elegant handwriting some notes.
At the end of the lesson, he used so many parchments that he mixed them with hers.
She picked one of them and realized that his writings weren't about the subjects.
On purpose she exchanged some of the rolls.

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