Chapter 8

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"Slughorn used to handpick favourites at Hogwarts, sometimes for their ambition or their brains, sometimes for their charm or their talent, and he had an uncanny knack for choosing those who would go on to become outstanding in their various fields. Horace formed a kind of club of his favourites with himself at the centre, making introductions, forging useful contacts between members, and always reaping some kind of benefit in return"


Evelyn followed the matron with her eyes.
She haven't been helpful, she had to deal with the floating boy and the only result she got was making him fall on the floor with a terrible thud just before the professor came to help.
She feared she damaged him more than the stink of the billywig, but the matron assured her that everything was under control.
So there she was. In the infirmary, watching over the most popular Ravenclaw boy in the school.
She had the occasion to admire him but she also felt guilty.
When he woke up, the matron wasn't around and Evelyn felt like a fish out of water.
"You're here" he whispered resting his blue eyes on her.
His dreamy tone gave her butterflies, but she was in a situation she didn't know how to control it.
"You'll get better, don't worry" she said trying to be positive, but inside she was panicking.
He kept staring at her almost impudently "You're so pretty".
Evelyn felt sick too, a good kind of sickness with the doubt that she made him hit his head too hard.
"Take some rest now" she said with a smile, standing up to go hiding her red cheek, but his hand firmly grabbed hers and stopped her.
"Stay. Please" he begged in a way she couldn't say no.

He fell asleep again and some minute later another boy stepped in. She knew him only because she was used to see him with Fawley and he was a popular Quidditch player.
"Hi" he looked perplexed, then he extended a hand to her "I'm Neal".
"Evelyn" she gave a fast shake to his hand.
"So... You're his saviour?" He said with a warm smile, that seemed like a smirk.
"No, I just found him senseless on the floor and asked for help" it wasn't really true, but she couldn't fix it.
"What was it again? You put a trap for him?" He mocked her teasing her with his elbow.
"No, he was stung by a Billywig" she laughed.
Neal found it terribly amusing "He's even scared of a Golden Snitcher and gets stung by blue insect. Typical of him".
That was one of the first things that Evelyn liked more about Neal Fortesque: he was so good at making her laugh. And it was surprising that his friend Vincent wasn't awakened by their laughs.

Neal stayed with her until the dinner time. Evelyn wasn't hungry so she agreed to have a little meal with the matron.
Later she got another unexpected visit.
Riddle stepped into the infirmary like he feared it was haunted.
She heard about he caught the beast and got fifty points for his House. The professors talked about it for the whole time they stayed next to the victim's bed.
"I heard you got rewarded. Congrats" she welcomed him.
He smirked.
"Why are you here?" He glanced at the boy sleeping on the bed.
She moved her eyes between the two boys "He asked me to".
"And do you have to oblige?" Riddle mocked.
She shrugged, having nothing to say.
The Slytherin boy leaned against the wall, watching the scene in front of him with an amused face.
"You're not a nurse. Don't waste time here. I've got something interesting to show you. About what happened" Riddle announced.
"You already caught the beast. Kettleburn lost it" she said confused.
He leaned close to her confessing "That's what I said to get the reward. It wasn't the professor's fault. Someone else set that beast lose and I think this story is not over".
"Someone else?" She whispered moving closer to him.
Riddle nodded "Let's go. Before this place will get crowded with victims".
Evelyn glanced sadly at Vincent, then warned the matron and followed the Slytherin boy in the dungeons.
"Are you becoming like those silly little girls fainting behind the celebrity?" He asked her bitterly.
"Sorry?" She couldn't believe to her own ears "What is it? Are you jealous?".
He scoffed at her "It's just that you disappoint me... I thought you were...".
Something flew in front of him and he caught it in his hand annoyed. Evelyn saw a piece of paper covered with hearts and a strong female scent that made her step away.
"What were you saying?" She mocked him "What is it? A Valentine's card?".
Riddle blushed and his fingers turned into a fist, crushing the letter. Then he took his wand and burned it.
"That's rude, Riddle" Evelyn complained "Think of how you just broke that girl's heart. Do you want to be Riddle the Heart Breaker?".
"Enough!" He hissed "I hate this stuff so if you want to keep talking about it you better run away before I curse you".
"You forgot that you started this" she reminded him coldly "Aren't you nervous because you want to spend this night with me while someone else is dreaming of you?".
He smirked at her words "I don't want to spend the night with anyone else. I'd rather stay alone, you should know this. About annoying dates, Slughorn wanted me to tell you that we must join his party this Saturday evening at eight".
Evelyn's heart sank "Must?".
"I share your same enthusiasm. And he added that we can bring a date if we want to".
"Oh Merlin" she sighed annoyed.
"Anyway the truth about the billywig. It wasn't Kettleburn who lost it. He is covering a student, who got the bad habit of hiding his beasts here" he carefully opened a small door under a staircase.
Evelyn saw some boxes and cages for birds, but clearly some beasts had been locked there.
"Who?" She asked confused.
"You will find out yourself. But if he knows to be careful, there won't be much disasters for a while" he said with a dry grin.
"Just tell me who" she insisted "There is some dangerous student and the professors are covering him? Why? It doesn't make sense. The professors would agree to protect one student who can be dangerous to all the others?".
"You need to understand that in this castle there are many beasts that are not classified by the Ministry" he hissed to her face.
She stared at him shocked, distracted by how close he moved and the way his eyes were fixed on hers.
"Not classified?" She repeated weakly "What do you mean? Are your reptile friends who told you that?".
Riddle laughed shaking his head "You can be recklessly funny even when I warn you about something very important".
"Hagrid" she whispered caught by a sudden idea "He is the one covered by the professors? I heard that he lost his father recently and so he is very desperate. And to comfort him, our professors allow him to have some dangerous pet?".
The Slytherin boy smiled with satisfaction "Well well, you got it at last. And you understand why it's insane to allow some beasts becoming students in a sacred place like his castle".
"He just needs to learn to respect the rules".
"Learn? Can something like him learn something?".
"He is half a wizard, Riddle" she whispered eyeing him with worry.
"He doesn't deserve the wand they gave him. He is a menace to all of us. It's a shame that his father, a wizard, mated with a beast. We can't afford to have an abomination free into this castle".
"Are you suggesting to lock him into a cage and send him to some muggle circus?" She scoffed shocked "Come on, he can improve but he must follow our rules".
"You speak like Dumbledore. Let's welcome all the beasts. Maybe some of them will kill some real wizard. That wouldn't be a waste".
"Riddle, this is not our choice. We are not even prefects, so what can we do? His mistake made you earn points to your House. At least it was useful somehow".
"And you grew closer to a popular punchball" he spitted, walking away and leaving her alone in the dark.

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