Chapter 1

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"The start of the school year arrived and with it came Tom Riddle, a quiet boy in his secondhand robes, who lined up with the other first years to be sorted..."
- HP6


Thursday 1st September 1938

Platform 9 3/4 , King's Cross Station, London

The train was already crowded.
She was studying every detail with marvel, seeing so many stranger faces that would have been her new housemates.
That was where the train was about to take her.
She looked for an empty compartment, but it seemed that they were all owned by someone. And everyone behaved so arrogantly when she asked if she could join. She guessed it was all Milly's fault. Milly had already set the whole schoolmates against her. And she couldn't even guess which were the first year students like her.
She took into consideration the idea of sitting in the corridor, ignoring the humiliation.
Her throat ached, but she cursed herself. She was eleven years old, she couldn't afford childish tears, not on her first day of her new life as a student.
She knocked on the door of the last compartment and found inside just one boy.
"Hi" she said shyly "There's room for me? If that doesn't bother you".
She noticed that the boy wore very poor clothes. Perhaps if he would smile, he was even handsome.
He was reading a book, something that nodoby was doing in that moment in that train.
He looked up with a hostile glance, but nodded towards the seats in front of him.
She felt uneasy, worried to misunderstand his signs. Clearly he preferred staying alone, but he couldn't keep a whole compartment just for himself. It was also the least comfortable of all, with frequently disturbing creaks.
She carefully walked in and closed the door behind her. She stiffly sat in front of the boy, who was already back to his second-hand book.
"I'm in first year" she said to attemp some conversation. Maybe if he knew her a bit, he would have stopped hating her.
"Me too" he mumbled without even looking up.
She felt a bit more lucky. The fact that he replied using his voice made her stupidly smile. But he couldn't notice.
She extended a hand covering the old pages he was so stubbornly staring.
"I'm Evelyn".
He shook her hand just to move it away from the book and hissed "Tom".
"Wow, nice name" but his hard glance killed her attempt to appear friendly.
She retreated back to her seat and crossed her arms "What did she say? Why are you all already hating me?".
Tom looked at her like she was crazy "She who?".
Evelyn rolled her eyes "Oh, come on. My cousin. The one who corrupted everyone to be rude to me".
He just stared at her without reacting, then simply stated "Nobody corrupted me".
She frowned staring at his blank expression "So.. You just hate me?".
He shuddered looking down to his book. She wished she could take that book away and throw it out of the window.
The green hills were flying in the outside. Maybe she could just watch the landspace for the all journey.
"Why?" She asked instead focusing on the boy.
He raised his eyes again, without caring of hiding his annoyance, but soon turned into confusion.
She gave a diffident interrogative look.
"Your hair" he said curious and amazed "Your hair turned dark".
Evelyn sighed replying with irritation "Well, now you can run out and scream to everyone that I'm odd".
The boy swallowed but seemed determinated to stay where he was. After a while he broke the silence with a new tone of voice.
"I didn't mean to be rude. I'm not good at dealing with new people".
She looked at him feeling unsure "I can tell the same for me".
His features looked more gorgeous now that he stopped being a fighter.
He glanced at the window "Do you think it will take a lot?".
"Yeah. We are supposed to arrive in the evening. You have all the time you need to end your book" she nodded to his lap.
He stared at her intrigued "Your hair is blonde again. What else can you do?".
"Many things, soon much more thank to this" she took her wand  from under her jacket.
His eyes shone "Did you already try to use it?".
"You know we can't use much magic out from the school. We have a year ahead to practice as much as we want. And you'll be able to change your hair colour too. Even if black suits you".
"I can do..things too" he said nervously, like those words forced their way out of his mouth against his will.
"Cool! Can you show me?".
He looked uneasy "No. Not now. But I will, if you'll be still interested".
"Alright. It's a deal" she smirked "Do you already have an idea on which House you'll be sorted in?".
Tom was again uncomfortable. Like they started to talk different languages.
"Not yet. You?".
"Same" she sighed tiredly "My parents were both Slytherin. And my cousin too".
Tom looked down without commenting.
He closed the book and revealed its title. History of Hogwarts.
"I don't know much about it" he confessed in a low tone trying to hide he hated that condition.
Her mind worked fast and she guessed why "Oh.. Well, it's alright. I can share what I already know. You can ask me".
He eyed her pondering her offer, then shook his head "I don't need your help".
She felt helplessly blushing in rage "Why not? Just because I'm a girl or because you think I'm stupid?".
"No, because you are trying to befriend me. And I don't need friend" he stated coldly, opening back his book and focusing on it.

If looks could kill, probably Evelyn would have killed him.


Author's Note:

Hello everybody!

I'm sorry it took a lot to publish this first chapter of this crazy idea I got.
And I apologize for my English that still needs to be improved. So don't be angry if my writings contains many errors. I hope you'll forgive me and appreciate my fan fiction.

And please if you support this, show it by voting and commenting! I'd really appreciate it :)

New chapter soon! :*

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