Chapter 17

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"Of course I know about the Chamber of Secrets. In my day, they told us it was a legend, that it did not exist. But this was a lie. In my fifth year, the Chamber was opened..."


The holidays were really enjoyable but they ended fast.
Soon the castle was again full of students.
Evelyn supposed that their time spent together had pulled them closer, but she soon noticed that Tom was impatient to go back bossing around his gang.
"We have patrolling shift together tonight. Make sure you wear some heavy clothes. I have something for you" he said before joining his friends, without a kiss nor a smile.
Evelyn just watched him walking away without turning back. She recalled the old times when he struggled to pull her away from Vincent and worked to attract her attention. And now that she was finally his, did he dare to believe she would stick around forever and didn't deserve his attentions anymore?
She felt hollow and drowned her doubts into her homeworks and duties.
After dinner, she didn't find him waiting for her as he was used to do. She bumped into him in the Entrance Hall by accident.
"Here you are" he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards one of the back doors of the castle "Ready to hang out with me?".
"We should patrol the towers" she pointed out.
"Don't worry about towers. Just come with me with no questions" he said quite harshly and she didn't disobey but felt deeply annoyed.
He led her into the Forbidden Forest as she presumed. The path was snowy and she felt her feet freezing. He transfigurated their shoes into boots before she could do it herself and casted a spell to leave no traces of their steps.
Evelyn followed him until her eyes saw something disturbing in front of her, lit by his wand's light.
A body was floating senseless. The uniform meant that it was a student.
"Tom, what have you done?" She asked freezing on spot, her suspects moved instantly to his desire to make a horcrux.
"She's alive, darling" he mocked her "She was just waiting for us".
Evelyn checked the floating student and recognized her cousin's face. Her pity evaporated soon.
Tom waved his wand and the body fell to the snowy ground. Then Milly woke up.
She was confused and soon terrified.
"Where are we?" She mumbled when her eyes found the familiar faces "What happened?".
"It's all yours, Evelyn" Tom patted his hand on his girlfriend's shoulder.
Milly stood up slowly, staring at him, who had a sinister smile "Riddle, what's going on? Why are we here?".
He ignored her questions again and leaned closer to Evelyn, whispering hotly into her ear "I want to see you using the Cruciatus on her. I offer you the revenge you've always craved for. I already used the Imperius on her, so we are both into this".
Evelyn stood still. She felt in danger just as her cousin was. The Unforgivable Curses were strictly forbidden. They were not used not even for torturing students since centuries.
If Tom had used the Imperius and she had to use the Cruciatus, it meant that the last curse to complete the triangle was the Killing Curse. And she wondered who was going to be the victim.
She mentally recalled the good time she had recently spent with the boy who was then standing next to her but seemed a psycho, a stranger. She believed he enjoyed that time too. He never celebrated before and he looked almost happy with her. Or at least that was the meaning she gave to all thier kissed, hugs and laughs.
Now he was acting like he was paying her back with that cruel gift.
"The Cruciatus? It could... kill her" Evelyn whispered, raising carefully her eyes to him.
Tom walked around her wrapping an arm around her shoulder, chuckling "You won't, of course. You can take your revenge with no fear. I already planned it all, don't worry".
Milly was staring at them like she was just waiting to wake up from that weird nightmare.
Evelyn recalled all their past together. There was a time when Milly loved having a little sister and was used to play with her. They were happy. Growing old meant jealousy, rancour, envy.
"I can help you taking out the magic" Tom raised her wand hand "You know the spell. Try it".
Milly was now staring at her frightened. It was something that Evelyn dreamed a lot when she was angry for being bullied by her. But he asked too much.
"It's not just pronouncing a spell" she whispered to Tom.
He kept her arm raised, while his other hand moved teasingly on her belly.
"Yeah, good girl" he replied into her ear "You have to want it. Remember all the bad things she did to you, all the times you wanted revenge because she humiliated you. You're a princess. And she's a waste. She deserves to be punished".
It was a strong feeling. Evelyn felt she didn't want to hurt her cousin, but needed to obey to please him. Disappointing him seemed like a terrible sin.
"Evy..." Milly begged, then tried to run away, but Tom waved his wand and her legs were frozen.
If Evelyn wouldn have done it, she would have been a victim too.
"There won't be a way back" she whispered "If I do this, the consequences...".
"I already planned it all" Tom cut her off "It will be alright. We will be fine and together. Trust me. Evelyn, can you trust me?".
Her mind replied that she couldn't. No normal person would ever ask her to do something so unforgettable. It was almost like killing someone. Almost.
Then she realized that her discourage could make the magic fail. So she pronounced the word.
Milly winced like someone punched her in her stomach and fell on her knees.
Tom's hand on her belly pressed tighter and she felt his body trapping her there.
"You need to want it. Take out all your emotions" he ordered "I saw how passionate you can be, how pitiful and how obstinate. Now take out all your hatred and rancour and turned it into magic. Remember all the times she attacked you and you weren't able to defend yourself".
Evelyn felt her blood starting to boil at his words. He was trying to make her feel weak and she couldn't bear it.
Somehow her mind recalled the Patronus magic. It was a positive shield against darkness. The Cruciatus was right the opposite. It was about attacking and hurting. And Milly, kneeling in the snow, looked like an innocent lamb.
"I know you're a special witch, Evelyn. I've always admired your talents. I know you can do it" his tempting words left her no choice "Revenge the past, revenge that little girl who was the freak".
Evelyn felt tears in her eyes when she repeated the spell and the red light exploded against Milly, who started to cry and struggle into the snow, experiencing the worst pain ever. Evelyn saw the light in her eyes fading and had to close her eyes and lowered her wand.
The screams stopped and Evelyn felt arms wrapping around her. Tom's body was warm and welcoming. It was a stark contrast with what he forced her to do.
"I'm so proud of you" he said sweetly "I knew you were special".
Evelyn fought back her eyes and glanced at her cousin. She looked lifeless, then Evelyn  noticed she was breathing heavily.
"I'll get expelled for this" she commented numbly. After what she did, she surrendered to her destiny. She was turning into a dark witch, something that Tom already was, she realized.
"No, you won't. Just let me show you how good I am, okay?" He said sweetly and kissed her cheek when she nodded weakly.
He waved his wand and made the body float behind them, ignoring the times when the body bumped against trees. He kept his free arm wrapped around Evelyn's shoulders while they walked back to the castle.
Milly's screams of agony kept echoing into her mind. She wondered how Tom could fix it all. A memory charm wouldn't be enough, no matter how skilled he was.
In the castle, he cared to clean the bruises and wounds on Milly's body, then abandoned her in a dark corner of the dungeons.
When Evelyn complained that he didn't erase her mind, he reminded her to trust him because he had everything under control.
He walked her to her tower and persuased her to take some sleep. But Evelyn knew she couldn't fall asleep. Her roomates were sleeping and lightly snoring. She felt alone and scared.
Her only solution to survive was to pour some sleeping potion to herself.

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