Chapter 16

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"He had already told them pompously that he was only staying over Christmas because it was his duty as a prefect to support the teachers during this troubled time"



After some weeks, Evelyn admitted that things were unexpectedly going very well. She almost wished she started her relationship with Tom earlier. He wasn't a burden like Vincent sometimes was. He didn't follow her everywhere, they didn't have to make their show at the meals, they couldn't stay in the same common room together, but they enjoyed the right time together when patrolling or studying. And Tom wasn't a fan of quidditch so she wasn't obliged to go watching the games anymore.
She felt good, maybe happy.
She was walking in the staircases to reach her tower after a long busy day. And she spotted him close to a window, near one of their secret passageways.
He had an apple in his hand. His dinner since he skipped the meal in the great hall because he had some extra homeworks to finish. But he knew well how to get food from the kitchens.
"I was waiting for you" he welcomed her with a calm tone.
"Same" her tone was more of accusation "I thought you would come in the great hall after your homeworks, instead I've waited for nothing".
He sighed "I'm sorry. Next time we should be clear when and where to meet".
She nodded with a smile.
He bit the apple as a starving man. It was something lovelg to watch and Evelyn simply couldn't take her eyes offf of him.
Noticing her lingering stare, he extended the apple to her.
She didn't want to, but crossing his solicitous gaze, shyly she took a bite of it holding his hand into hers. She expected it to be a bit sour, but it was juicy and delicious.
"How is it?".
"Sweet" she said surprised.
"I'm good at picking the sweetest ones" he smirked, then leaned towards her and kissed the wet corners of her lips, then deepened the kiss.
She felt dizzy. Kissing in public still made her uncomfortable but soon his mesmerizing movements washed away her worries and she left herself drowning into the sensations that he was making her feel.
He retreated when she still hadn't had enough of it. He took her hand and pulled her to follow him.
They reached the seventh floor and Tom made the door of the Room of Requirement appear. A place where they felt safe. But Tom picked the Room of Lost Things, so they enjoyed the time exploring the many secrets hidden in there.

Christmas holidays were about to begin.
One last trip to Hogsmeade all together, then most of the students would have caught the train to join their families.
The Prefects had to do their duties, Evelyn hated it because they had to do it in the open frozen air, but Tom persuaded her to join her friends and to leave her group of students to him.
She didn't know how to thank him publicly, until he prevented her.
"See you later" he gave her a quick kiss on her forehead.
She walked away to reach her two friends.
Evelyn liked wearing the elegant hat, tired of the scolar pointed one.
"It's lovely. Did you make it?" Adele scanned her new hat.
"No, well.." She said uneasy.
"Aww, okay got it" Adele retreated like she got burned "Then are you happy with him?".
Happy was a weird word for her "I think it's too early to say that".
"Then... No regrets?" Kat asked carefully.
"No. Am I a bad girl?".
"Well, you didn't kill anyone. Just you never told us you liked Riddle. We believed you were madly in love with Vincent".
She crossed her arms not for the cold, bur for those uncomfortably words "I liked Vincent. But I never felt truly comfortable with him. And Riddle...well, it happened so fast. I'm confused as well".
"Riddle? Do you call him by his last name?".
"No. But you do" she sighed loudly "Don't treat me like I did something horrible".
"We're happy for you if you're happy" Kat said warmly "Being both prefects is bringing you closer?".
"Perhaps. But don't think bad of it".
"He seems really nice with you" Adele noted "It's really a big news that he is dating someone. It's just that we never expected for him to steal you from Vincent".
"Steal? What? Am I an object?".
"No, you're a beautiful girl torn between two gorgeous boys. Evy, you don't know how many girls are envying you now".
Evelyn frowned with discomfort "Well, Vincent is free for them now. What more do they want?".
"It's not that easy, girl" Adele winked, then started to update about her own love affair with a Gryffindor boy.
Evelyn felt relieved only when they stepped into a warm pub to dring some piping hot butterbeer.
Half an hour later Tom found her and she wished happy holidays to her friends an hanged out with him.
He offered her an arm and she took it without complaining.
The floor of streets were icy and she was grateful to have someone who could support her.
He led her to another pub, a quieter one, and got some drinks.
He raised an inquisitive eyebrow to her "What?".
She shrugged looking down to her cup "Nothing. It's just that you're... dashing".
He ducked his head scanning his ordinary robes, then smirked to her "Really?".
Evelyn shrugged again, but stiffened when he moved closer to her, his body's side pressing against her.
His hot breath tickled her ear, causing shivers to run through her spine "You know, you would be too if you take off some of these cumbersome clothes".
She scowled at him then pushed him away, making him chuckle.

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