Chapter 14

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"Lord Voldemort has never had a friend, nor do I believe that he has ever wanted one"


When the bell rang, she felt free and rushed to gather her things and walk out of the classroom before the teacher could get the idea of scolding her.
She stopped at the first corner to catch her breath and saw Riddle spotting her and reach her.
"Are you alright?" He asked politely.
"Yes, sure" she said sighing "Thank you".
He shrugged, then smirked "What kept your mind so busy?".
"None of your business".
"None or no one?" He teased her.
She snorted and walked away, hearing him laughing amused.
She wanted to stay alone. She needed it. Her world seemed upside down and she felt fear because she had so many doubts.
In her wanderings in the castle she bumped into Vincent, who was still begging for forgiveness, but his drama was the last thing she could bear.
Her many tasks helped her being distracted, but she hated being so clumsy. She couldn't truly concentrate on anything and she felt sick.

Later she felt someone was chasing her, until Riddle walked next to her.
"You don't have your patrolling shift tonight" he announced "I thought it was healthier for you to have some rest instead of floating everywhere in the castle like a ghost".
She sighed with surprise "Thank you. That's right what I needed. I'm exhausted".
He sniggered "You can make things easier. Don't be afraid to feel it".
She glanced at him frowning at his words "Feel what?".
"Oh come on, you know it better than me. Don't pretend to me".
"Riddle, you're dangerously mad".
"Is this what you like the most of me?" He provoked her.
"What? What's going on with all of you? You turned all crazy? Or am I turning mad?" She complained rushing away, but she realized she didn't know where she was nor where she could go.
"Come on, stop and relax" he suggested patiently "I just want to help you sorting it all out".
She sighed and leaned against the wall, wrapping her arms against her chest "You shouldn't have done it. You started it all".
"Are you blaming me now instead of blaming yourself?" He placed himself in front of her, who reacted by pushing him away.
"I just need to be alone. I don't need your poisoned words".
He didn't budge and raised a hand to take a strand of her hair into his long fingers.
She pushed him away again.
"Blushing and irritable. Not to mention your fastening heartbeat. I can read you like an open book" he teased.
"You know nothing, Riddle. Nothing" she pushed him more violently and he grabbed her arms slamming her against the wall.
And before she could react again, his mouth was on hers.
Riddle was shocked too for his unplanned reaction. He retreated with a worried expression, his hands on her shoulders slightly shaking, but soon he took control of that new opportunity mixed with interesting feelings. He wasn't going to lose that special occasion he created.
His lips pressed again on hers, claiming more. He forced her mouth to open and slithered his tongue inside, enjoying his new victory. He was inexperienced, but was a fast learner.
Evelyn was endlessly shocked. His kiss left her breathless and petrified against the wall.
He smiled to himself and held a hand on the wall behind her head, like he got tired too from that sort of duel.
"Nothing, you said? Well, at least I got the reward of the bet".
She stayed still staring at his shoulder since she wasn't able to look into his eyes.
When later she recovered and accepted what happened, she hissed giving him a mischievous look "You didn't win any bet. The bet was that I had to willingly kiss. Not being forced or cheated on".
He smirked and lowered his head on her again, his lips hovering over hers "I can do it. I can make you so desperately willing to kiss me".
Did she really got kissed by him? She was still so incredulous. It was just like part of their fight. And he cheated, catching her by surprise with an action she couldn't expect. But she wasn't able to tell to herself that she regretted it.
"I wouldn't be confident if I were you" she whispered trying to be cold.
"I take it as a challenge. And I'm pleased to accept it".
He touched her lips again extremely gently and sweetly. He was teasing her and was determinated to win.
And part of her wanted him to win.
She tried to resist, to ignore his attentions, his hands that were moving over her body without being insolent, but provoking enjoyable shivers of pleasure. Her legs turned very weak, but he wouldn't let her fall.
He was making her lose her control. She wanted him to hold her tightly, to possess her, to give him all that pleasure that his body was promising to her. She couldn't even understand why she was having those insane thoughts but she couldn't help it.
He suddenly stepped back and she immediately missed the warmth of his body. Unconsciously she moved towards him and before she could think about it, she leaned forward and pressed her lips on his.
Tom smiled pressing her back against the wall and took again the full control of their movement, deepening the kiss till they were both panting breathless.
He caressed her burning cheek touching her forehead with his and enjoying their melted breaths "Meet me tonight".
"No" she replied without thinking, the kiss was something so new to her that was hard to recover from the shock and awkwardness.
His face gloomed for a moment, then he smirked, his hot breath tickled her "I scare you, don't I?".
"I'm not that easy, Riddle".
"I know. Or I wouldn't have taken you as my target" he grinned "What is wrong with it?".
"Everything is wrong" she whispered. What has she done? Was that a nightmare? She didn't know anything anymore.
"Not from my point of you. You're wasting time with that Fawley. You can get many more advantages from me. I can protect you from that wicked cousin of yours...".
"I don't need your protection" Evelyn snapped.
"I can satisfy you more than that Fawley could ever do" he concluded ignoring her complaint.
"What's that? Are you trying to persuade me to sign an insane deal to start a relationship with you?" She stared at him bewildered.
"Why being friends when we can be something more? I want you to be mine".
She froze feeling her mouth getting dry and he sniggered.
"Don't worry. I'm not gonna take you tonight. I can be patient. I'm not like those weak males who let themselves rule by their carnal desires".
She stayed still uncomfortably, guessing what he was also referring to. She'd rather sell herself to Riddle than changing that part of her past and realizing her worst nightmare.
"Then, is that all?" Her voice was hoarse.
"Just one more thing I want from you".
She eyed him with diffidence "What is it?".
"I want you to break that Fawley's heart".
She horrified at the idea, even if a low voice into her mind was agreeing with it.
"Just this last step. And then we'll be finally together, forever".
He leaned forward, but before he could seal the deal with a kiss, she slipped away.

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