[1] Meeting the Mentors

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It was confusing. Although he often felt confused, this was by far the most unusual, most ridiculous thing he had heard of.
(M/N) looked up at the dorm building, adjusting the uncomfortable overnight bag strap on his shoulder. He was told this was the place, and he squirmed a bit to get his phone from his pocket in order to check before putting it back. It wasn't as if he was unsure about his surroundings, but the building looked a bit... normal. It wasn't extravagant, but certainly not a complete dump. He would admit it was a nice change of scenery from his own apartment, but he was surprised that the seven popular idols lived in such a usual looking dorm.

(M/N) had been an idol trainee at BigHit for only a month so far, and he was already feeling a little stressed with the grueling schedules and classes. The manager of his group of trainees told them they would be mentored by successful idols; for (M/N), those idols happened to be BTS.

'Ah really, I understand the point of having mentors, but living with them?? For a month, even,' he thought to himself as he stepped forward to press the doorbell. He sighed, adjusting his clothes as he waited for a response. Beyond the door he could hear muffled shouts and a few thuds here and there, and he stepped back from the door cautiously. The door was opened after a few moments by a boy who looked a bit shaken up, his short brown hair slightly disheveled and his eyes a little wide and curious. Behind him stood a slightly shorter male, peeking past the first male's head to get a look at their visitor.

"Hello?" The first boy questioned politely, watching the unfamiliar person before him, his eyes darting from (M/N)'s face to his overnight bag and finally to the grey suitcase standing behind him.

"Ah hello," (M/N) started, bowing a bit as he introduced himself. The two nodded their heads in a small bow in return.
"My name is (L/N) (M/N), I was told to come here today to meet my mentors... Um.. I'm supposed to be staying here." (M/N) reached up to his face, swiping a strand of (H/C) hair from his eyes.

"Oh, we were told you would arrive today..." The male before (M/N) said calmly, reserving his impressions of the younger-looking boy.
"My name is Jungkook, it's nice to meet you," he said kindly, offering a genuine smile. The person casually clinging to Jungkook's back with his arm hooked around his neck smiled as well, a big toothy grin as he leaned forward a bit, nearly pushing Jungkook out of the doorway.

"Hello! I'm V!"
Jungkook stumbled a bit, and V removed some of his weight from the maknae.
"How long are you staying? How old are you? You look younger than our maknae, and really handsome," V continued, not missing a beat. (M/N) chuckled slightly, immediately feeling welcome yet a little taken aback by V's invasive friendliness.

"Thank you... I'm 18, and I'm supposed to be staying for a month," he said politely as his hand traveled up to once again adjust the strap of his bag. Jungkook saw this and stepped out of the doorway, taking a few steps towards (M/N). V unlatched himself from his friend and continued to stand near the door.

"Is that heavy? It looks painful. I can carry it, if you want..." he held his hands out hesitantly. (M/N) shook his head and smiled.

"That's okay, I've gotten used to it. Um.. do you mind if I come in?" (M/N) reached behind him and grabbed the handle of his suitcase, ready to pull it into the dorm. Jungkook nodded eagerly and stepped aside. The two idols watched as (M/N) entered the building, looking around and taking in his new surroundings. V and Jungkook entered behind him, closing the door and waiting awkwardly for someone to say something. The dorm looked fairly clean, as if the boys had tidied up after hearing that (M/N) would be visiting. Granted it wasn't pristine, seeing as how seven young men lived here together. It struck (M/N) just how human the idols were, despite the fact that they had been trained to show their better selves to the public. After he had acknowledged the appearance of the livingroom and adjacent kitchen, (M/N) turned to the two abnormally quiet idols.

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