[8] Better Together

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(M/N) stood with his head down. He fidgeted with the hem of his nightshirt, avoiding the gaze of the members that had gathered before the bathroom doorway.

V was glaring slightly at Jimin, who took on his staring contest calmly.

J-Hope was looking between (M/N) and Jimin dumbfoundedly, piecing together the reason that they were in the bathroom together.

Jin knew there was trouble just from the atmosphere, but he was mostly just worried because (M/N) looked rather upset.

V was the first one to speak.
"What were you doing with (M/N)?"

Jimin hesitated, glancing back to the slightly trembling boy behind him.
He looked V straight in the eyes once more.

"I kissed him," he said bluntly.
Jin's eyes nearly popped out of his head, they were so wide. V looked surprised as if he expected more, and J-Hope was in shock.

"You... what??" Jin exclaimed, mother mode activating.
"Did he consent to it??"

Jimin nodded a bit as everyone turned their attention to (M/N), who looked like a deer in headlights.
Jin immediately pushed his way into the bathroom to (M/N), placing his hands on his arms and leaning to his eye level.

"(M/N)-ah, everything is going to be okay. We'll all sit down and talk, alright? You don't have to feel scared," he said calmingly, placing one hand on the boy's cheek. (M/N) nodded slightly.


Everyone was gathered in the livingroom-kitchen area, listening carefully as (M/N) explained what had happened, and how he felt. He was now dressed and freshened up, as Jin persuaded the others to give him a bit of space the rest of the morning. It was afternoon, after lunch.

"So... Jungkook was first?" V clarified.

"Yes," (M/N) admitted quietly, Jimin and Jungkook nodding.

"That's actually kind of surprising," Suga commented.

"...beat me to it," V grumbled. (M/N) looked up from the floor to V in surprise.

The others looked to V as well.

"He beat me to it," he repeated with a childish pout.
"Jimin too," he added.

"Yeah right, I got the closest to it first," shot Hoseok.

The room erupted into a series arguments, and (M/N) could only stare wide-eyed at the unexpected commotion.
He was too shocked to be embarrassed. After a while, the noise started to overwhelm the trainee.

(M/N) stood up from the couch, further grabbing the attention of his mentors.
"I'm sorry, but is this normal?? You've only met me very recently, and now you're all fighting about who should've been the first to.. kiss me?? That's a little strange, don't you think?"
He glanced to each one of the boys, watching as their faces either dropped or became thoughtful. Jungkook spoke up.

"...you disliked it?"
He looked guilty, as if he had forced himself on (M/N). The younger male backpedalled upon being asked directly.

"Wh... That's not it, I-" He sighed, looking down as he admitted defeat. He mumbled something, which made some of the members crane their necks to hear.

"What?" Jungkook took a step towards (M/N).

"...I liked it," (M/N) said a bit louder. He looked like a defiant child, yet his red face contradicted this.

If the room was quiet before, now it was even more so.
(M/N) didn't have to look to know of the toothy smile that gradually grew on Jungkook's face, as he could hear the faint laugh sound the maknae usually made when he was amused or happy. The trainee was more concerned with hiding his embarrassment, which failed to some degree. He brought his hands up to cover his face, emitting a distressed groan.

"Ah, cute, I'm so jealous of Kookie," Taehyung said breathlessly. He clenched the front of his shirt dramatically, as if his heart was hurting.

"(M/N)-ah, what about me? I think I did I good job," said Jimin.

(M/N) was surrounded by more retorts and complaints, and he only looked up when he felt a set of comforting hands on his shoulders.

He was met with the face of Seokjin, who had bent to (M/N)'s eye level.

"(M/N), I think we should tell you directly..." He glanced around at the members gathered in the room.
"Let's sit," Jin said as he guided the two of them to sit on the couch. He took (M/N)'s hands in his with a smile.

"Actually, I think our leader should say it," Jin said as he looked to Namjoon, who only grinned in confusion and pointed to himself.
The other members made sounds of agreement, ready to push their burdens on the leader.

"RM?" Jin waved him over, motioning for him to sit on the other side of (M/N). Which he did.

"So, um," he looked around at the members.
"Ah, what should I-" he sighed as he looked back to (M/N).
"Uh, (M/N), what I should tell you is," he babbled as he tried to find the right words.
"Agh, why is this so hard??" He turned away and shut his eyes, crinkling the bridge of his nose as he let out a frustrated yelp. He earned a few chuckles, one being from (M/N).

"The leader is at a loss for words! This is new," J-Hope teased. Namjoon turned back to (M/N) with a slightly straighter face.

"(M/N), the truth is, even though you've only been here for two days," he glanced up to Jin to make sure he was on the right track. Jin nodded for him to continue.
"...We've all had time to decide that you're special, and we really want to get to know you more."

(M/N) listened carefully to what Namjoon had to say, but he was still unsure about many things.

"I do too, but... I'm only a trainee, and I'm just here for a month... I don't think I'm worth all of this," he said honestly.

"You're wrong."
(M/N) looked up to J-Hope as he approached and kneeled in front of (M/N), placing a hand on the boy's knee.
"Sure, you're a trainee, but I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that you're worth a lot more than you think." He smiled widely.

"Definitely a lot more than a bunch of idiots like us," Suga chimed in, chuckling a bit.

"I dunno..." (M/N) looked around at the others in uncertainty. He was startled as he felt his hand being lifted. He turned his gaze just in time to see Hoseok place a kiss on the back of it quickly. The idol leaned away and exhaled comically, using his other hand to blow a kiss to the other members teasingly.

"Yah!!" V exclaimed, and once again the room was filled with loud banter.
(M/N) sighed, but he couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you, everyone," the trainee said honestly, causing all eyes to focus on him once more.
"Thank you for everything," he said again with a small smile. The idols couldn't help but to smile with him.

"(M/N)," Jin started, waiting for the trainee's attention to be on him.

"Yes Hyung," (M/N) replied.

"...could I give you a kiss, too?"

"Me too!" V exclaimed.
Namjoon and Suga only laughed or scoffed, but one could tell that they secretly wanted to show their affection as well.

(M/N) chuckled, a small blush growing on his cheeks. He definitely felt a lot better than he did earlier that morning.

"Sure," he replied cheerfully.

(M/N) wasn't entirely sure what his relationship with BTS was, but he did know that it made him really happy.

{1288 words}
I apologize for both the delay and the quality of this chapter...
School is almost over so I have to rush to get things done... I wrote most of this before sleeping, so sorry if there are errors 😂 I was drowsy.
I hope you enjoy despite nothing actually happening in the chapter..!

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