[10] Lazy Day

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Jimin got up, approaching the two standing in the center of the room. He gave a look to Jungkook, who understood and repositioned his hands to rest on (M/N)'s waist. Jimin brought his arms around the younger's torso, startling him a bit.

(M/N) brought his hands down from his face, placing them on Jungkook's shoulders and turning his head slightly to the boy behind him. Jimin's palms rested on (M/N)'s middle, and his chin was set on the boy's shoulder so that he could be closer.
Having noticed how close Jimin's face was to him, (M/N) quickly turned his head back towards Jungkook, who emitted an amused sound.

"I can't wait for longer," Jimin said softly, "Jungkook will have to share..."
The two older boys chuckled a bit as (M/N) shuddered in their embrace.

"You wanted another, right?" Jimin watched the younger male in infatuation and awe as he fidgeted in his place between the idols before nodding his head once admittedly.
Jimin hummed, moving his face closer to kiss the side of (M/N)'s nape once.

Jungkook leaned forward, but was pulled back before he could kiss behind the younger's ear. He looked back to see Hoseok, who had wrapped an arm around the maknae's torso and brought him away from (M/N).

"Yah, you're overwhelming him," Hoseok scolded lightly, though he probably felt like the younger members would show him up.

"Hyung, your turn already?" Jungkook placed a hand on Hoseok's arm, unfazed by his action.

"No," replied the older idol. He let go of Jungkook so he could gently pry Jimin off of (M/N).
"(M/N) looks like he needs a break, I'll save mine for later," he said with a chuckle.
"You okay?" He set a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Mhm," (M/N) nodded wearily. He looked like he might as well have had a high fever, being as red and flustered as he was. He mustered a smile and a small thanks, clearing his throat slightly.


(M/N) sat on the couch, his eyes glued to the television.

Most of the members had gone out after the whole morning ordeal, mostly to give (M/N) some space (though V had to be dragged away).

The trainee glanced up at the sound of footsteps to see Hoseok, who sat down next to the other and joined him in watching the TV.

"Oh, is it Hello Counselor?"

"Yeah," (M/N) replied shortly.
The two watched for a moment in silence before Jin entered from the hallway, entering the kitchen.
After a minute had passed, the eldest member moved to the living area and sat on the other side of (M/N) with a bag of chips.

"Hyung, you and Jimin were on Hello Counselor before, right? I thought I remembered watching the session," Hoseok said as he reached across (M/N) to take a few chips from the bag, never taking his eyes off the screen.
Jin let out an affirmative hum. The conversation ended there, as all three focused on the program.

After about ten minutes, (M/N) yawned. He looked to Hoseok and then to Jin, noticing that the chips were long gone and now an empty bag laid on the end table. He was feeling pretty tired, despite it only being noon and having done nothing but blush all morning.

"Hyung, lend me your lap please," (M/N) said to no one in particular. He moved to lay his head on Hoseok's lap, extending his legs out towards Jin and over the arm rest of the couch comfortably.

Hoseok made a scoffing sound, surprised by the younger male's actions. Jin seemed content though, and placed a hand on the other's knee as he continued to watch the show onscreen. (M/N)'s head was turned to the side so that he could watch too, and soon he smiled as he felt Hoseok's hand hesitantly comb through his hair.

Hoseok's eyes no longer found interest in the TV. Instead, his gaze was cast downward, focused on the trainee's features. He watched as his hand combed through (M/N)'s hair, enjoying the feeling of it between his fingers and the contented face the boy made in response. His fingers traveled down the short tufts of hair making up (M/N)'s sideburn, the side of his face, and finally they traced over his jawline. This change in movement caused (M/N)'s attention to shift slightly to the male he laid on.

"You know," Hoseok started, reversing his path to slowly trace back up (M/N)'s jaw, "you're really handsome."
Now he really had (M/N)'s attention, and he even turned his head to look up at Hoseok, who's hand pulled away to allow the change in position.

(M/N) hummed shortly.
"You really think so, Hyung? You said the same thing the first time you saw me, too." His cheeks were light pink from the complement. Hoseok chuckled.

"Of course," he said confidently, "Everything about you is attractive."
"For example-"
Hoseok traced his finger down the bridge of (M/N)'s nose lightly.

"Your nose," he began to list, then moving his hand to rub his thumb gently over the other's under eye.

"Your eyes-"
His fingers ghosted over the trainee's flushed cheek down to his jaw.

"Your bone structure, and-"
His fingers soon found (M/N)'s lips, and Hoseok quickly took his hand away out of embarrassment.
"S-Sorry," he muttered.

(M/N) looked up at him with a slightly starstruck expression, and Hoseok was able to watch as the heat rose up from under the younger's collar.

"It's okay," (M/N) managed after a short moment, clearing his throat weakly.
"Thank you but, I'm not handsome like Jin-hyung," he said with a small chuckle. Jin looked from the screen.

"Yah," the eldest called, slapping (M/N)'s knee once gently to grab his attention.
"You're really attractive," he said enthusiastically. By this time, Hoseok's hand returned to (M/N)'s hair.

"Even when you turn impossibly red and become shy like a child, you're still handsome," Jin continued proudly.

"Hyung," (M/N) whined embarrassedly, turning his head back towards the TV in an attempt to hide his face from view as much as possible. Hoseok turned (M/N)'s head back to face up at him by holding his chin, revealing the bashful expression he wore.

"He's doing it right now too," Hoseok chuckled to Jin, unable to keep from smiling at how impossibly adorable the male in his lap was.

"Ah stop it," (M/N) complained, pouting slightly. He glared up at Hoseok in defiance, but his reddened cheeks only made him look like an upset child. Hoseok laughed in endearment, rustling the other's hair playfully.

"Wah, really," the rapper said inbetween chuckles.
'How can someone be so cute and handsome at the same time,' he thought.

(M/N) continued to make disgruntled sounds and faces at Hoseok, but was soon disrupted by another yawn.
"Agh," the boy sighed after he recovered, furrowing his brow and looking back to the TV.
"I'm tired."

Hoseok's fingers were still intertwining absentmindedly with (M/N)'s (H/C) strands of hair. The younger boy nodded slightly.

"And you're not helping," he chuckled, blinking heavily once as he continued to enjoy the attention he was getting. Jin became envious and reached out to take one of (M/N)'s hands, holding it gently and caressing the back of it with his thumb.

"You can sleep if you want," Jin spoke. The rapper made a sound of agreement.

"We'll be here," Hoseok added.
(M/N) smiled warmly and nodded a bit.

"Wake me up if you need to."
With that he let his eyes close, soon lulled to sleep by his hyungs.

{1313 words}

Woo! Another one! I feel like the ending might seem kinda rushed.. because it is... anyway, I hope you like it 💕
Give me ideas for where you want this story to go next, because otherwise I'll have no idea and get stuck! 😂


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