[5] Your Voice

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(M/N) wandered down a hallway, looking for the boys' composing studio. He found what looked like the right door and knocked on it before peeking inside.

(M/N) entered upon seeing Yoongi and Namjoon turn their heads.

"Oh, it's (M/N)," Namjoon stated cheerily, waving to the newcomer.
Suga nodded in his direction and offered a small smile.

"What are you guys doing?" (M/N) moved to where the two sat, bending down a bit to peek at the computer monitor they had been looking at.
Namjoon, who had his hand on the mouse, turned back to the computer.

"Ah, we're composing some tracks that we might use later on, but mostly just for fun and practice. Want to listen to what we have so far?" Rapmon glanced up to (M/N), who nodded eagerly.
Suga reached out and pulled another chair up for (M/N) to sit in.

"Oh, thank you," he mumbled as he took a seat. As Namjoon was about to play the tune, the door was opened and (M/N) looked back with the other two to spot Jungkook entering. He carried a plastic bag in one hand.

"You're back?" Suga inquired, though it was obvious. Jungkook nodded, going to place the small bag on a little table in the corner behind the three at the desk.

"Yep. Hi (M/N)," he said casually, taking out a few drinks and snacks from the bag and handing them to his hyungs.

"Hello," (M/N) replied. "Have you been here all day too?"

"No, I arrived about an hour ago," Jungkook clarified before taking a seat at the table comfortably.
"Just in time for them to send me off to buy them food," he chuckled.

"Ah. Did you come to compose as well?"

Jungkook shook his head.
"I had free time, so I wanted to hang out and maybe practice a bit..." He eyed the three at the desk as Namjoon lightly touched (M/N)'s shoulder to remind him of what they were doing before. The youngest turned around and muttered a quick apology before the music started to play.

(M/N) listened intently, though butterflies swam in his stomach as he could feel Suga staring, watching his reactions closely.
Once the tune ended, (M/N) clapped enthusiastically with a bright smile.

"It's not much yet, and I still have to fix some parts but this is the idea so far," Namjoon said modestly, chuckling nervously at (M/N)'s reaction. Suga scoffed as he opened his drink.

"Don't act like its not a big deal, you've been working on it since yesterday morning," he said bluntly before taking a sip. (M/N) placed a hand on Namjoon's arm, who had neither affirmed nor denied Suga's remark and kept his eyes on the computer screen.

"Namjoon-hyung, I think it's really good! Really, I wish I could make music too..." (M/N) patted his mentor's arm twice comfortingly before pulling away.

"(M/N)-ah, you're a trainee, right? What's your strength?" Jungkook piped up from behind. (M/N) turned around to look at the softly smiling maknae.

"Strength?" (M/N) cocks his head a fraction to the side. Jungkook nodded once.

"He sings," Suga blurts, gaining everyone's attention.
"I asked last night..."
The room was filled with sounds of realization and acknowledgement.

"Asked, more like interrogated," joked Namjoon, earning a sigh from Suga.

"Yah," Suga bumped (M/N)'s chair with his foot gently.
"I'm sorry if I scared you last night... I didn't mean to." His voice was somehow softer than usual, and it warmed (M/N) to the core.

"It's alright," (M/N) stuttered.

"Anyway, can you perform once for us?" Jungkook asked expectantly, excited to hear (M/N) sing. The trainee squirmed a bit in his seat, glancing at each of the boys hesitantly.

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