[15] Music Box

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(M/N) stepped out of the dorm, holding his phone to his ear. The dial tone as it rang left the boy feeling empty. The longer it rang, the more he felt dread coiling tightly in the pit of his stomach. He took a seat on the front step, too nervous to stand.

He called four times before Yoongi picked up. It was silent on the other end, besides the muffled sounds of cars passing and people chattering to each other in the distance. The mentor must've left the studio.

"Hyung," (M/N) started quietly, expecting Yoongi to say something, to scold him, anything. He didn't.

"I'm sorry hyung," he said weakly after a moment of silence.

"I shouldn't have left like that." (M/N) pulled his knees closer, leaning over them and hugging them with his free arm, his head tilted slightly to make room for the phone.

"I didn't.. hate it, but I like you just as much as the other members. That's what made me confused," he said almost inaudibly.

"I like you.. I like you all so much." His voice was desperately wavering now.

"Yoongi-hyung," (M/N) begged.

He wanted Yoongi to speak to him. The silence on the other end was painful, and he truly felt he had done something wrong.

Suddenly it seemed even more quiet, and (M/N) felt ready to cry. He looked at the phone screen, realizing that the call had ended.

"Why're you out here this late in your pajamas, you'll get sick."

(M/N) picked his head up to the one who called out to him, teary eyes meeting those same intense ones from earlier but from much further away.

"Were you crying again?"

Yoongi was taking leisurely steps toward the boy sitting at the front door, moving into the light of the porch. His hands were hiding in his pockets, and he looked down at the sniffling trainee calmly from two feet away where he had stopped.

(M/N) put his phone down and used his palm to wipe the minimal moisture from his face quickly, offering a small "no" in response.

It was quiet again after that, (M/N) looking anywhere but at Yoongi.

"Stand up, (M/N)."

The boy did as he was told, picking up his phone from the concrete stoop. His eyes were focused on the ground guiltily as Yoongi stepped closer.

The rapper sighed. "Do the others know?"

"Just Jin-hyungnim," (M/N) answered obediently, as if he were a child in trouble.

"I'm not mad at you, (M/N)."

The younger male finally glanced up to meet Yoongi's eyes.
"You're not? But I-"

Before (M/N) could finish, Yoongi brought his hands up to hold the boy's cheeks, startling the doubt from his thoughts and forcing him to look at his mentor steadily.

"I don't lie," Yoongi said simply. He leaned closer to place a short kiss on (M/N)'s forehead. He let go right after, gesturing toward the front door and leaving no time for the trainee to be bashful.

"Let's go inside, it's starting to get cold and I'm tired."

"Yes hyung," (M/N) replied, turning towards the door and opening it quickly for both of them to enter.

Pay Attention To Me [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now