[2] Let's Just Sleep In...

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(M/N) woke to a hand ruffling his (H/C) hair. He opened his eyes groggily and turned his head to see a blurry face with black hair. Blinking a few times he recognized the man as Suga, and upon gaining a bit more consciousness he discovered that the rapper was trying to talk to him.

"...get up, (M/N). You're coming with us on our schedule today." He patted the trainee's head once before retracting his hand, seeing that the younger male's eyes were open already. (M/N) nodded sleepily and rubbed his eye, watching blearily as Suga turned to wake V and Jimin. Jungkook sat upright above (M/N), hanging his head with his eyes closed.
Suga reached up to Jimin, patting his cheek firmly. Jimin groaned and turned over, and Suga shook the other's shoulder roughly. Jimin opened his eyes and turned his head to his attacker, his eyebrows raised in sleepy confusion before he realized what was happening. He groaned once more and waved Suga away, pulling the covers up and agreeing that he would get up soon.

Suga had a harder time waking V. The brunette had kicked the covers down in his sleep, and had both his arms and legs wrapped around a pillow like a koala. Suga yanked the pillow away, but V didn't seem to mind. The pillow hit V a few times, but he only grunted and changed his position.

"Ya, it's time to get up, come on," Suga demanded, dropping the pillow and forcing V to sit up. V furrowed his eyebrows and opened an eye, looking around with messy hair. Suga sighed and patted the alien's cheek once, warning him not to fall back asleep. V nodded, and Suga left the room.

Once Suga was out of sight, V got up and moved to the other bunk, nudging (M/N) to make him scoot over. The trainee moved towards the wall absentmindedly, and V climbed into the bed with him. He snuggled right up to the younger male's back, wrapping his arm around his torso. (M/N) groaned, too sleepy to register what was happening; until he felt warm breath on the back of his neck. He squirmed a bit, and the arm around him only pulled him closer.

"Hyung, it tickles..." (M/N) managed to say groggily, his voice low and rested. V hummed, enjoying (M/N)'s warmth. Jungkook was stepping down from his bed, and upon reaching the floor he froze, analyzing the comfortable-looking scene before him. He glanced up toward Jimin's bed before sighing and deciding to join the other two.
Jungkook leaned down and pressed his hand into V's back, pushing him gently. The older male obliged, scooting against (M/N) and moving them a little closer to the wall in order to fit Jungkook on the bed. The three slept for a few minutes like this, and at this time Jimin had sat up. He turned his head to see the three younger males squeezed onto the small bed and chuckled, getting down from his bed. He approached the boys and leaned down, shaking Jungkook's shoulder lightly.

"Hey wait, we're supposed to get up, guys. I think Suga will be mad at you if you don't get up," Jimin reasoned, sleep still clinging to his voice. V opened his eyes slightly and removed his arm from (M/N) only to reach towards Jimin, who stepped back with a laugh.
"No, are you crazy? There's no more room, and you have to get up now," he said a little more sternly. V pulled the groggy (M/N) on top of him and scooted against the wall, pulling Jungkook closer by his arm. He looked up at Jimin persuasively, who sighed and let his shoulders drop. He moved to close the door and joined the cluster of sleepy children on the bed.
(M/N) was used to V's skinship by now, but when he felt himself being moved, he opened his eyes to discover that he was lying on the brunette's chest. (M/N) brought a hand up to his flushed face, scoffing at the ridiculous situation. Feeling the bed move he turned his head to find that all four of them were in the bed now, surprisingly. Jimin snuggled up to Jungkook, who had his arm intertwined with V's.

"Ah, you guys," (M/N) laughed in embarrassment, making a sound of surprise when he felt V's arm move to rest on his torso once again. (M/N) picked his head up and looked down at the boy, finding that his eyes were open slightly.

"Hyung, we have to get up," (M/N) said shakily, silently cursing that he was probably very obviously flustered. Jungkook removed his arm from V and reached out, placing his hand on (M/N)'s back.

"It's fine," he said softly, "let's just sleep in..."
V nodded, a sleepy smile gracing his features. He caressed (M/N)'s hair, shushing him and guiding his head back down to his shoulder. Jimin chuckled lazily and fell back to sleep as well.

Jin entered the maknae-line's room, stopping in the doorway when he saw all four kids piled (literally) into (M/N)'s bed. He laughed and shook his head, nearing the bed to shake them all awake.

{888 words}
This one was a lot shorter, but I hope you enjoyed! I'm not sure how to go about the next chapter... maybe Mr. Reader will join Suga and Rapmon in the composing studio...


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