[11] Awake

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(M/N) turned his head away from the stinging sensation placed against his cheek, stumbling backwards a bit.
He was unable to look at the person before him, his head hanging with his eyes trained on the floor.

"You're a disgrace" was one of the few decipherable phrases that flew from the man's mouth. He had been yelling for what felt like an hour to (M/N), and having spoken up once only rewarded him with a slap to the face and louder yelling.

He knew it was a mistake to tell his father about his life choices.


"Good for nothing,"

"A faggot just like the rest of them,"

"...you're the reason your mother left,"

"You're not my son."

"Don't ever come back."

"If I ever see your putrid face again, I'll..."



(M/N) woke to a gentle voice coaxing him from his nightmare, and upon opening his eyes found the handsome face of Hoseok staring down at him, with a concerned Jin sitting close by. The trainee reached up to rub the numbness of sleep from his face and sat up.

"You were making a really pained expression in your sleep," Jin said worriedly.

"Sorry.. was I asleep for long?"
The two idols shook their heads, nearly in unison. (M/N) took a look around, still groggy.

"Did you have a bad dream?"

"Auh?" (M/N) turned his head to Hoseok. He looked down to his lap upon realization.
"I guess so," he mumbled.

The trainee made a sound of surprise when he was pulled into Hoseok's arms suddenly. He awkwardly hugged back after a few seconds, though he was fairly confused as to why he was being embraced so closely out of the blue.


"You can talk to us, you know." Jin had moved closer to the other two, placing a hand on (M/N)'s back comfortingly.

"I know, but... I'm okay."
Hoseok pulled away to look at the boy's face.

"(M/N)-ah," he started slowly, "You're crying, you've been crying since you woke up."

(M/N) didn't fully realize until the male in front of him wiped a few tears from his face.

"Oh," he said blankly. A moment later he gave into it, leaning his weight on Hoseok's shoulder and burying his face there. His body was wracked with sobs as the idols held him and caressed his back and head comfortingly, speaking soft affirmations into his ears.

"It's okay."

"We're here for you."

"It's okay to cry."

"We won't leave you."

"I've got you."

"Is it okay for me to hold you more closely?"

"It's okay to cry on my shoulder. I don't mind it."

"Wherever your nightmare was, you're here, with us now. This is reality. You're not alone."

"We care for you, (M/N). All of us do."

After it was over, and all his tears were shed, he sat there weakly in the comfortable arms of his mentors.
The three were quiet, only relishing in the calming feeling of being there for each other. (M/N) sat in Hoseok's lap facing him, hunched over with his head resting on his shoulder. Jin sat close beside them, his forehead pressed against the crook of (M/N)'s neck with his eyes closed. His hand still rubbed up and down the youngest boy's back, albeit at a slower, more careful pace than before.

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