[12] Arguably Mine

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As soon as the door opened, both Jin and (M/N) could tell things were about to become hectic for the second time that day.

"(M/N)-ah,~" called a voice that could only belong to Taehyung. He entered the living room, followed by Jimin and Suga. By this time Jin had released (M/N) from his reassuring embrace, and the two looked towards the foyer.

As soon as Taehyung spotted the youngest male on the couch he tackled him playfully, and both of them fell into Jin, causing the three to become a big pile of laughter. Jimin soon joined, flopping on top and making everyone beneath him grunt and laugh harder.
Behind it all stood Suga, watching the giggling mess with a confused smile.

After a while everyone got up, though Taehyung had to be pulled away by Jimin.

"Oh?" Jimin drew closer to (M/N).
"(M/N)-ah, your eyes are red?"

This made Taehyung and Suga lean in to see. (M/N) made an embarrassed sound and looked down, rubbing his eyes as if it would make the redness go away. Suga approached the boy and leaned down to make sure he was seeing correctly.

"Have you been crying?" He glanced to Jin.
"Has he been crying?"
Suga sounded worried.

(M/N) shook his head.
"It's not a big deal," he reassured with a small shy smile.

Suga took (M/N)'s chin in the palm of his hand and tilted the boy's head up. (M/N)'s eyes were definitely red and slightly swollen from crying.

"I said its fine," (M/N) said, a little frantic once his face was forced up towards Suga. Jin touched Suga's arm.

"It's okay, JH and I were here. (M/N) just had a bad dream."

Suga seemed satisfied with this and let go of (M/N)'s chin with an exasperated sigh.
"Whenever you feel down, talk to us."

(M/N) nodded slightly, looking down as if he were a child that had just been scolded. Taehyung made a sound and wrapped his arms around the younger boy's shoulders, kneeling on the couch cushion beside (M/N). He leaned his head onto the trainee's comfortingly.

"Even if you don't want to talk about things, we'll be here to comfort you," he said honestly. (M/N) placed his hand on one of Taehyung's arms.

"Thank you," the youngest said with a small smile.

Suga cleared his throat, and everyone looked towards him.

"Have you eaten?" He met eyes with (M/N), who blinked. Taehyung detached himself from the boy and sat.


Suga nodded slightly.

"Not really," (M/N) replied.

Suga gestured with his head towards the front door.
"Let's go eat, I'll buy."

"Hyung, you're buying us food?" Jimin sounded excited, his hands clasped together. To his dismay, Suga shook his head.

"Just the kid."
This made Jimin and Taehyung whine, and Jin stifled his laughter.
Suga swatted the back of Jimin's head lightly.

"Yah. He needs to be cheered up, so I'm buying him what he wants to eat. I've done the same thing for you once, too, so don't complain."

Taehyung sighed and sunk back into the couch while Jimin moved to sit next to Jin, wearing a small pout. Suga shook his head disapprovingly of his members then looked to (M/N) again.

"Let's go?"


(M/N) and Suga sat on opposite sides of a table in a small restaurant they found near the dorm.

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