4 • hello america

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Your pov:

We are now in the plane on the way to America. I'm sitting next to the window and Jake, while my mum and dad are behind us.

Jake shuffled in his seat as he turned to mum behind us. "What part of America are we going to?" he questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Haven't I told you yet?!" my mum responded in disbelief, her mouth slight agape. "We are moving to Los Angeles, California."

Jake smirked with a nod before turning around and putting his arm around me, while I laid my head on his shoulder. Eventually sleep took over my body, along with Jake.


America, California; Los Angeles.

"Kids wake up!" I heard a deep, loud voice say.

Jake and I both groaned and looked up to see our dad looking down at us, a grin settling his features.

"Get up you lazy ones."
I rolled my eyes at him; what a great, mature nickname for his two teenage kids.

Jake and I eventually got up and exited the plane, tiredness very noticeable within our facial expressions as we walked.

We grabbed our suitcases and continued walking, my body getting weaker.

I started getting really tired and sleepy as I wheeled my suitcase, nearly falling on top of it.

A nineteen hour flight and I don't go well.

"Woah," Jake said, catching me just in time with a breathy laugh.

"Sorry," I apologised with droopy eyes.

"Hop on my back," he offered.

I hopped onto his back with a huff, my eyes fluttering closed as I held onto him.

After going through customs and many other things, we finally called an Uber and hopped in.

"Aww kids, look," my mum said pointing her phone towards us. It was a photo of Jake and I in the plane asleep, making me cringe as I eyed it.

He had his arm around my shoulder while I laid on his shoulder.

Jake and I both looked at each other with disgust and laughed it off, looking out the windows as we took in California's surroundings.


"We are here!" Mum and dad shouted in unison, Jake and I jumping slightly.

We all got out of the uber and as soon as I looked up, my eyes nearly popped out of my sockets. 

"Holy shit," Jake and I said in unison.

It was huge, and right next to the flipping beach!

It was huge, and right next to the flipping beach!

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