46 • and it continues

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Your pov;

I was sitting in maths class next to Zach, the teachers voice fading away as my thoughts started taking over.

It had been two weeks since tour and it was our seventh day back at school, it being a Tuesday.

The whole of last week was a disaster. Abbi ignored me for the rest of the week after our little fight we shared and continued hanging out with Molly and her friends.

I was really getting sick of it. I wanted to talk to her but I was too nervous as it may lead to another fight. She is my best friend after all and Molly's cruel intentions always somehow ruin the times i'm happy.

"Miss y/l/n, are you with us?" my maths teacher asked me, interrupting my thoughts as the whole class turned to look at me.

I nodded shyly as she went back to teaching the class.

"Are you alright?" Zach whispered as he leaned closer to me, not taking his eyes off the teacher.

"Yeah," I whispered as I watched the teacher, not wanting to get into trouble.

"You sure? You have been down for the past week." His voice softly spoke near my ear.

"Zach, I'm fine," I gulped; the nerves killing me inside as he continued.

"Is it Abbi?" he frowned, concern noticeable all over his features.

I turned my head to look at him before nodding slowly, my eyes growing watery.

He cradled my cheek gently to calm me.
"It's fine, y/n. People change you know. Soon she will come running back realising how much you meant to her. You mean a lot to her, I know that for a fact. She is your best friend and always will be, no one can stop that."

"Thank you Zach," I smiled slightly as I laid my head on his shoulder in a friendly matter.

"Anytime," he whispered as he placed his hand lightly on mine comfortingly.

I am so thankful for Zach and his kind gestures. He truly is one of the greatest friends, and I am thankful for that.

A couple minutes later the bell rang, signalling us it was time to go to our next class. I got up and said my goodbye to Zach before starting to walk to my next class down the quiet hallway, someone stopping and grabbing me roughly as they turned me to face them.

It was Molly and her friends.
Abbi was leaning on the wall with a worried expression as she stared at me, but once she noticed me looking at her she smirked, my heart rate increasing as I waited for Molly's next move. 

I turned to look at Molly and was greeted with a punch right on the cheek, sending me down onto the ground as I held it in pain.

"Back the fuck away from Joey and his friends including Abbi, otherwise there will be consequences!" Molly screamed at my face as I nodded quickly.

I would've fought back, but after all of the things I've gone through, I just didn't have enough energy; so I laid there, letting the words sink into my body as a tear ran down my cheek.

"Good," she smirked, gesturing her clique to follow her as they turned on their heels.

Abbi turned back to me as she walked off with them, mouthing, "i'm so sorry."

My head fell as I let the waterfall of tears fall down my face; how could she?


"Y/n?" a voice echoed from near me, a hand landing on my shoulder as they shook me viciously.
"Y/n?!" the male voice repeated, their voice filled with uneasiness.

I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was still in the same spot. All of the crying must have brought me to sleep.

I looked up slowly, my vision still blurry, to see Joey, the boys, my brother and his friends.

The ones who actually cared for me.

"Oh my god, thank god," Joey breathed out in relief as he carefully lifted my weak body into his arms, the both of his sitting down on the floor against the wall.

"What happened?" he frowned, worried and anger laced in his voice.
"Who left this bruise on your cheek?" he whispered as his long fingers caressed it softly.

"I- um- uh-" I stuttered as I avoided the boys curious stares.

"Yes?" Jake raised a brow as he grew impatient.

"I-it was, M-Molly," I looked down as I bit my lip slightly.

Joey's jaw clenched as he looked up at the boys, all of them looking just as mad as him.
"Fucking hell. If she ever touches you again, i'll show her what's bad ," he growled, the protective side coming out of him.

"No," my voice cracked as I looked up at him.

"Yes y/n, yes. You are my girlfriend, she needs to be taught a lesson."

"What did she say?" Griffin spoke up as he looked down at me with concern. 

I sighed softly. "She said I have to stay away from all of you guys, a-and Abbi," I gestured to Joey and our friends.

"Fuck her," Jake A said as he pointed his index finger at me, making me break down into a small smile.

"Y/n's not gay," Weston gasped, his eyes widening as he looked down at me, a laugh leaving my lips.

"Not that way," some of the boys whined at Weston's lack of knowledge.

"Sorry dads," Weston apologised as he cleared his throat, the boys giving him glares while I stifled a laugh.

"Let's get you cleaned up," Zach said as he grabbed one of my arms, lifting me up off Joey as he grabbed the other, the both of them being gentle.

"What period is it?" I questioned with knitted eyebrows, Joey's arm wrapped protectively around my waist.

"It's the start of period three," Hunter said as he looked at the boys suspiciously before looking back at me.

"What?" I sighed in disbelief. "I was asleep all throughout recess and period two."

Some of the boys jaw's clenched while some of their eyes widened as they glanced at one other.

"When did she punch you?" Jake questioned, his expression hard and filled with anger.

"At the start of period two. I guess no one had the chance to see me as I was in a hallway where no one really goes," I laughed softly, the boys nodding as each of their expressions were serious and filled with fury.


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