5 • home sweet home

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Your pov:

I eyed the house, my eyes wide and mouth agape as I didn't exactly except it to be this big.

We all walked inside and of course Jake and I had a moment of who gets the bigger room.

"I dibs the bigger room!" I said as I shoved him, his longish hair flopping.

"Fuck off," Jake growled, his eyes shooting me daggers.

"I already dibs, sorry bud," I pouted at him sarcastically.

"Bitch," he mumbled under his breath.

"Excuse me?" I said squinting my eyes at him.

"Oh, nothing," he said smugly as he gave me a look.

"Wanna fight?" I joked, raising my fists.

"Sure," he smirked, his hands slowly rising up to his face.

Just as I was about to tackle Jake to the ground, my dad grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.

"Put me down dude!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, feeling all the blood rush to my head.

"Huh?" my dad said innocently.

"I said put me down," I groaned, hitting his back with my fists playfully.

"I'm sorry, say that again?"

"Dad," I whined, his arms letting go of me as he dropped me onto the couch, leaving me there alone.

I soon got up from the couch to go find my room, which was on the second story. I opened my bedroom door and my jaw dropped.

"Oh my god!" I shouted just a bit too loud, my hand immediately covering my mouth.

Jake ran into my room with wide eyes.
"What's wrong?!" he exclaimed, his eyes roaming around my face.

"Nothing." I frowned as I looked up at him.

"Oh, I thought you were hurt," he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Huh?" I knitted my eyebrows in confusion, laughing slightly at him.

"Nevermind," he huffed, his eyes falling around my room. "My god, your room," he barged in.

"Buddy, it's purple."

"So, it's still huge though," he shrugged as he glanced at me.

"True," I smirked, eyeing the large room that was already painted and filled with luxurious furniture.


Authors note;
here are some parts of the house.
excuse the pixels sksksk


Lounge room;

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Lounge room;

Lounge room;

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Chill area;

One of the balcony's;

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One of the balcony's;


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