48 • a eventful friday outing

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Your pov;

"JAKE," I shouted at my elder brother as I hit his chest.

It was a bit after seven o'clock; we had just gotten back from the beach about ten minutes ago and now we were all cooking dinner, well attempting to cook, but failing miserably.

"What?!" Jake exclaimed as he raised his arms up in defence.

"You just tipped the pasta everywhere! What do you mean what?!" I argued as I waved my arms around frantically.

His eyebrows furrowed before looking down, realisation hitting him as he laughed slightly, "oh."

I raised my eyebrows, "pick it up."

He scoffed, "fine."

Everyone started laughing as he kneeled down on the ground to pick up the pasta, his jaw clenched.

"Shut the fuck up," he growled as he gave us a death glare.


"Yum," Zach said looking up at all of us as spaghetti hung out of his mouth.

"Ew, you look like you're eating worms," Abbi whined.

"Damn right," I rolled my eyes playfully.
"What movie are we going to watch?" I questioned everyone as we sat around the dining table.

"Oh my god, we should watch the new movie IT," Joey said as his eyes widened slightly.

"Even though horror movies can scare me at times, i've been wanting to see it," I laughed softly as everyone nodded.


"I'm driving," Jake smirked as he twirled his car keys around his index finger.

"No shit, it's your car," I joked as we exited the house, stopping as we reached Jake's car.

"Uh, how are we all going to fit?" I questioned everyone as there was quite a few of us.

"I'll take four people and Liam you can take two others," Jake nodded at Liam.

"I'll go with Jake," I grinned up at my older brother as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder playfully.

"I'll join," Joey, Abbi and Zach said in sync, Jake and I nodding as we opened his car doors.

"I'll take Tanner and Jake, obviously," Liam chuckled as we hopped into the two separate cars.

Jake's engine roared as he pressed on the gas; Zach in the passengers seat while Abbi, Joey and I sat the back.

I laid my head on Joey's shoulder as he planted a kiss on my forehead, his finger drawing patterns on my thigh.

"Aww," Abbi cooed from next to me as Jake and Zach rolled their eyes from the front.

〰️ cinemas 〰️

"Eight tickets to IT please," I smiled softly.

"ID's please," the lady muttered behind the counter, all of our eyes rolling as we whipped out either our smart riders or drivers license.

The lady nodded before we all paid separately.
We all walked to the next person, his eyes scanning each of our tickets before instructing us to the theatre room.

"Just walk straight ahead, then turn left and you're at theatre eight. Enjoy the movie guys," the boy gave us a warm smile as we all thanked him before speed walking down the long, wide hallway.

"I dibs sitting here," I gasped as I ran to the middle seat, our assigned seats at the back of the cinemas.

The seat order is Liam, Jake, Tanner, Jake A, me, Joey, Zach and Abbi.

"I'm scared," I whispered as I sunk into my seat.

"Don't worry baby, i'm here," Joey cooed as he kissed my cheek.

I blushed slightly while Jake A, Tanner and Abbi stared at us in awe, the rest of them rolling their eyes.

"Shit, here we go," I bit my lip slightly as I buried my head into Joey's chest, the movie starting as Joey grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers as we cuddled. 


"That was actually fucking hilarious," Jake raised his eyebrows in amusement as we each nodded in agreement, the late night sky dark as we walked back to the cars.

"It actually was," I breathed a laugh. "It was scary in some scenes though."

"The boys were cute," Abbi smirked as she glanced at me.

"They are like ten," Zach scoffed.

"Incorrect, they are fourteen, soon to be fifteen," I pursed my lips as I glanced at everyone, their faces held with confusion while Joey looked slightly jealous.

"How do you know?" Liam chuckled.

"I may have searched them up yesterday," I shrugged as I looked away with embarrassment.

"Besides, they were like twelve or thirteen when they filmed it," I added as they all chuckled.

"Damn, stalker much," Tanner joked.

"What?" I whined. "When I see a cute or hot guy, I need to search them up," I moved my hands around frantically.

"True," Abbi said in thought as she looked up at the stars shining above us.

Joey gave me a look from besides me, my lips forming into a pout. "Did I make you jealous?"

He laughed slightly as he slithered his arm around my waist, pulling my body closer to him. "Maybe."


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