26 • meeting cameron dallas

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Your pov;

The two Jakes, Liam, Tanner, Griffin and I were all sitting outside on a lounge around a table eating our lunch we had ordered.

The restaurant was really nice and indie. It was right across from the beach, which was really handy for Liam and I as we only have to walk around the public pool to get to the beach.



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"I'm stuffed," Jake groaned, slumping onto the lounge.

"Do you still have those abs Jake," Tanner winked. 

"Mhm," he smirked, lifting up his shirt, showing off his upper half. 

I rolled my eyes at my seventeen year old brother. He still had full on abs, which bothered me as I just gain weight on my stomach every time I eat.

"What time are you and Liam going to the beach?" Jake A asked with a raised brow.

"Four," Liam and I said in unison, glancing at each other as we smiled slightly.

I checked the time, seeing that it was 2:55pm.
Liam and I still have an hour till we go to the beach, so I decided to make the best of it.

"What should we do during this spare time?" I asked the boys, my eyes trailing around each of them.

"You ask me," Jake smirked, looking at someone behind me.

My eyes followed his gaze with furrowed eyebrows, my breathing hitching as I saw someone I've looked up to since a younger age.

Cameron frick'n Dallas was standing there with a beaming smile, a smile that could make any girl swoon.

"Well, go on," Liam smugly smiled, gesturing to Cameron.

I looked at all of the boys with shock, not knowing how to react or move.

"I-I- can't," I stammered.

The boys laughed, smirks tugged on their lips as they each glanced at each other.

"Yo Cam!" Liam shouted, gesturing the older boy towards us.

I gasped, slouching in my seat as I tried to control my nerves and excitement.

The Cameron Dallas is walking towards us, my heart beating faster the closer he got.
Abbi and all of my other friends in Australia would be killing themselves if they were here.

"Hey boys," Cameron said giving each of them one of those handshakes that all boys do.

I knew that Cameron was quite good friends with some of the boys, including Joey, but I never had enough confidence to ask them if I could meet him. I was never really planning to ask them either.

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