18 • justin's and instagram

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Your pov:

I was sitting on the edge of the pool with my feet in the water, enjoying the slight breeze across my face. I felt a presence behind me, and just as I was about to turn around, someone picked me up, making me gasp.

I heard this person laugh; I immediately recognised the laugh.


"Joey, don't," I squealed, squirming in his arms.

After I spoke those words, he put me over his shoulder and threw me in the pool, a loud scream erupting from my lips.

"Joey!" I screamed once I had reached the surface, getting rid of my hair that sprawled out across my face.

He jumped in a few seconds later as he approached me, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer towards him.

"I hate you," I pouted.

"I love you too," he smirked.

"Damn, how long have you two been dating?" Jake questioned with knitted eyebrows, his eyes trailing back and forth between us.

I looked at Jake dumbfounded and removed Joey's arms from my waist.

"You idiot, we are not dating. We are just friends," I groaned, frowning at him with annoyance.

"Damn okay," Jake said as he raised his arms up in defence.

Joey chuckled. "Oh baby girl, you'll be mine by the end of the day."

"In your dreams, Birlem," I snickered as I rolled my eyes.

"It's already in my dreams," he winked as I scoffed, my face growing red as the boys wolf whistled.


We had all just gotten out of the pool after swimming around, playing many water sports, while also sharing conversations.

I went to the sun bed and laid down to tan as it was a sunny and hot day. It was cold earlier this morning, but I guess the weather decided to do good today for me and the others.

I grabbed my pair of sunnies and a hat, placing them on me to keep me protected and relaxed.

I eyed my black bikini I was wearing, double checking to see if I was showing anything that shouldn't be on display.

I felt eyes on me and I looked to my left to see Joey checking me out. I laughed slightly and grabbed my phone, looking away from his cheeky smirk.

I decided to post a Instagram picture of Joey and I today with the others.

It was already 4:20pm.

I am thankful and kind of happy I don't have school tomorrow, even though I shouldn't be satisfied within myself after what I did.




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