47 • forgiven

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Your pov;

It was officially a Friday, my body forcing itself out of my bed, a small groan leaving my lips as I stretched.

I changed into a black body suit and white overalls, leaving my hair naturally wavy before adding mascara.

I made my way downstairs, murmuring a good morning to my parents before digging into my breakfast as I sat with Liam and Jake.

Liam is going to continue living with us till he finds a house or apartment he's interested in, leaving me joyful as he gets to live with us longer than he intended.

"You gonna talk to Abbi today?" Jake questioned as he looked at me, one of his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah," I shrugged. "I suppose."


"Y/n?" I heard a familiar shy voice from behind me, a sigh immediately leaving my lips.

I hesitated before turning around to face Abbi, my face holding no emotion as I stared at her guilty expression.

"Can we talk, please?" she pleaded as her voice cracked.

I nodded slightly before we made our way to a quiet hallway nearby. 

"Okay," she sighed, "um-" she paused.
"I-I am so so sorry," she choked out as she broke down into tears.

I looked down, sighing a little before pulling her into a hug for comfort.

"I truly didn't mean to hurt you. Molly made me do it, otherwise she would've ruined your life-" she started but I cut her off as I pulled away from the hug.

"She's already ruined my life," I pursed my lips.

She sighed, "I know and i'm so sorry. But she meant making a ton of rumours about you and spreading it around the school. It would've ruined Joey's and yours relationship, including your friendship with everyone. I'm sorry. I just wanted you to be happy and safe."

I paused as I looked out into the distance. "Okay, I forgive you, " I smiled slightly as my eyes flickered back to hers.

A smile made it's way onto her lips. "Well, I better tell Molly that I am ending it," she breathed out.

"What are you going to say?" I frowned.

"That I never wanted to do it- which is true, and that if she makes up lies around the school,
I will get her expelled and expose some of the stories she's told me," she smugly smiled, a laugh leaving my lips. "I missed you best friend," she cooed before pulling me into a hug.

"I missed you too," I whispered as I pulled away again.

"Are we friends again?" she pouted as she looked at me with pleading eyes.

I laughed softly.
"Yes, we're friends again Abbi."

Her smile grew as she grabbed my arm, pulling me to my English class as the bell is due to go in a minute.

My eyes fell on Joey as we entered the classroom, a smile on his lips as he watched Abbi and I interact.

I sat down next to him, Abbi taking a seat on the other side of me.

"I just texted Molly telling her I am ending the deal," Abbi whispered in my ear as she leaned closer to me. "Then I blocked her," she grinned.

I high five her before getting out my English work that we started yesterday.

I felt Joey place his hand on my thigh. "Glad you made up," he whispered near my ear before planting a kiss behind my earlobe. 

"Me too," I mouthed at him as his hazel eyes twinkled.

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