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Joey's pov;

I woke up, letting out a soft groan as I stretched, turning to face y/n in bed.

I showered gentle kisses all over her face, her eyes fluttering open as she smiled softly at me.

"Morning baby," my voice rasped as I kissed her lips slowly, craving her touch.

"Morning boo," she smiled cutely after pulling away from the kiss, a smile making it's way onto my lips.

She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
I can't believe I ever dated Molly. Her bitchy attitude towards people turned me off from her, yet her over the top cocky attitude pissed me off even more as she liked to brag a lot.
I guess she was good for a hook up every now and then when we had the chance, which was pretty much every day as we dated.

But y/n, she was different. I knew the moment I first laid my eyes on her she had to be mine. Something about her set a spark off in my head, making me grow attached to her.

She's so beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, cute, funny, kind, caring and everything about her makes me fall in love with her more.
I am so thankful she's mine.

The thing that bugs me the most is that everyone thinks i'm using her like every other girl; I'm not.

I'm good friends with Abbi now, y/n's best friend since she first arrived at our school.

I told Abbi the whole story about our past when I was dared to ask her out, all of it being on money and force, Molly of course making me do it. I accepted it and did it.

I broke Abbi's heart and played with her feelings, which made y/n hate me when she first came across me at school.

I don't know what was up with me before y/n arrived at our school. I was such an asshole and player. I'd use a girl every day.
I regret it so much.

When I look at my myself now, ever since I've started dating y/n, I've definitely changed quite a bit. I've become nicer and soft.

I never want to leave her.
She's mine; my significant other.


Your pov;

"Morning boo," I smiled after pulling away from the kiss, Joey's face falling into a smile as he zoned out.

He was obviously thinking about something, leaving me curious as I admired him.

Seconds later, I tore my eyes away from him, getting out my phone as I opened up Instagram, my followers now ranked up to 150k, making my smile grow.


1 hour ago

1 hour ago

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