41 • back home

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Your pov;

It has been the best three weeks of my life. There has been some ups and downs during the tour but that's alright, mistakes happen.

Joey and I are still going well and it's good; everything's good.

We are officially on our last City for the tour. We are going back to California tomorrow night, which made me sad yet happy at the same time as I'm seeing my family and friends again.

The boys and I are currently walking around Boston. The concert is tonight and we're pumped as it's our last concert for the tour.

"Oooo, let's get Starbucks," I said with excitement.

"White girl," Weston said.

I scoffed, "right back at you Weston."

All of the boys laughed as we made our way to Starbucks, each ordering a drink.

We sat down at a table, talking for a bit as we waited for our names to be called out.

"Cotton eyed Joe?" the waiter called out with confusion, his eyebrows furrowed.

"That's me!" Weston squealed as he got up from his chair, many eyes falling on us.

"Oh my god," I whispered from embarrassment.

Everyone in Starbucks stared at Weston, some amused and some giving him glares, making the boys around our table snicker.


"One, two, three, hello Boston!" we all shouted into the microphone, the supporters screaming with excitement.

We completed the usual routine we did at the recent nine concerts. Hours passed and now it was time for the meet and greet's, my heart beating with excitement.

"Hey, how are you?" I smiled as I hugged one of the supporters.

"Are you and Joey still dating?" she asked completely ignoring my question, pulling away from the hug as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Uh yeah, why?" I asked her with confusion.

"Gross, he deserves better," she muttered underneath her breath before walking off to go and meet the boys.

I rolled my eyes at the fake fan girl, turning on my heel to be greeted with another supporter, a wide smile on her lips as she approached me.
"Oh my god, hi!" she squealed giving me a tight hug, in which I returned it straight away.

"How are you?" I smiled brightly at her.

"Amazing," she squealed delightfully, my eyes widening slightly at her enthusiasm.

I like this fan girl.

"That's good," I grinned.
"What's your name?"

"Bella," she beamed up at me.

"Aw, what a beautiful name," I winked as Bella meant beautiful in Italian, the fans smile widening as her cheeks grew warm.

"Um, so today is my birthday and I am wondering if I can be on your snapchat?" she asked shyly.

"Of course! Happy birthday, how old did you turn?" I asked as I got out my phone.

"Fifteen," she grinned.

"My age," I smirked as I opened up snapchat, starting to film her.

"It's Bella's birthday today guys!" I cheered at the camera as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "Follow her on..." I trailed off and looked down at her with a smile.

"@_bellamaye," she smiled as she looked at the camera shyly.

I ended the Snapchat video and posted it, adding a red love heart for the caption.

"It was nice meeting you," I cooed.
"Hope I see you again," I smiled as I gave her a long hug.

"Yes, I would love that!" she cheered with excitement as she nodded her head.
"Oh, I am also [your ship name] forever on instagram, I post pictures and videos of you and Joey."

"Oh my god," I gasped.
"I always see your nice comments on my pictures, it makes me smile so much."

Bella's smile grew as she nodded shyly.
"Anyway, I have many more fans waiting so i'll let you go. Bye Bella, have a good day birthday girl," I winked as her face lit up with happiness,

"Thank you y/n, bye," she said softly, happy tears falling down her cheeks as she made her way to the boys.


〰️ Back at home in California 〰️

Joey and I are currently outside of the airport waiting for Jake and Liam. I haven't seen them in three weeks, so i've missed them a lot.

We said goodbye to the other boys before, the hugging and chatting lasting for ages before they actually left. It was an unbelievable tour and experience and we are all hoping to do it again in the near future.

"Y/n," I heard a familiar voice call out, my face lightening up as I turned around to see Jake.

I instantly ran towards him, jumping into his arms as he spun us around. No matter how much of an idiot my brother is, I missed him deeply and I was glad to be in his arms again.

"I missed you big bro," I cooed, my legs still wrapped around his torso.

"Missed you too lil sis," he whispered as he placed me down, planting a quick kiss on my forehead.

"Liam," I smiled with joy as I left Joey and Jake so I could pull Liam into a massive bear hug.

"Hey, my lil model," Liam winked, keeping his arms wrapped around my waist firmly.

"Hey, my personal photographer," I giggled as I pulled away, his smile growing.

"So, how was it?" Jake asked as him and Joey approached us.

"Amazing," Joey and I said in unison, looking up at the boys with smiles spread across our faces. 


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