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Your pov:

I woke up from a terrible alarm sound, my eyebrows furrowing as it was a Saturday morning.

Who the hell set my alarm.

"Jake!" I screamed.

There was no answer, as per usual.

I jumped out of my comfy bed and speed walked out of my bedroom into the hallway. I stood in front of Jake's bedroom, staring at his door.

I roughly opened the door and bolted towards his bed.

"Get up!" I said as I threw the nearest pillow across his face.

Jake groaned. "Jake, I swear to god! Get up! Why did you put my fucking alarm on," I whined, making him smirk.

"Jake," I whined again.

He turned back around, pretending to fall asleep.

"Oi!" I started to tickle him, his whole body jolting upwards.

"S-st-op-p," he said between breaths.

"Not until you apologise," I said, still tickling his sides as he struggled.

"Okay! Okay! Sorry y/n."

"Good," I smiled, hopping off his bed.
"See ya bud."

"Hey!-" Jake whined as I slammed his door, cutting him off.

I consider the both of us just like toddlers.

I walked back to my room, bored and tired, huffing as I checked the time, reading 6:35am.

"Jake! You piece of shit!" I shouted; once again, in my bedroom.

I got no response. Huffing again, I laid down on my bed and browsed through my phone.


9 hours ago

1201 likes                          165 comments @mollybaby - make-up is the cure to everything 💁🏼

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1201 likes              165 comments
@mollybaby - make-up is the cure to everything 💁🏼


@username3 oooo girly 😍

@bruhitszach - you're always covered in make up Molly.

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