32 • the tour news

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Your pov;

Three weeks of modelling with Cameron have passed, those particular weeks filled with enjoyment.

It's officially Cameron's and I's last weekend of modelling, it being a Wednesday so there's really only two days left.

Myself and the team will be releasing the bathers next Monday on my website, leaving my stomach churning with nerves and excitement.

"What are you thinking about?" Jake asked me as we were driving to school, his eyes fixated on the road.

"Eh, just my website, my bathers, you know," I shrugged.
"All that typical famous stuff."

"Typical famous stuff?" Jake questioned, a small breathless laugh leaving his lips.

I pursed my lips, placing my legs on the dashboard as I didn't respond to his confused question.

I glanced at him, a smile making it's way onto my lips as his eyebrows were furrowed, his bottom lip pouted out as he kept his eyes on the road.

He has a girlfriend now, well they have been dating for about two weeks. He just doesn't know how to keep his hands to himself; when he wants something, he gets it.
I guess that's why lots of girls swoon over him.

He's a whole different boy when he's around girls.

I can't believe that it's already been a month and two weeks since we've left Australia.
Life really goes fast, I thought.

I've been begging and asking my parents if we could go back to Australia for a holiday for a couple of days, the end of these discussions always leaving me sad. They never really went well due to us only arriving in America not that long ago, Jake and I having school and my modelling getting in the way.

I guess I won't be visiting Australia for a long time now.


I was walking to my locker, stopping as I felt someone grab my hand, spinning me around as I came face to face with them.

"Hey beautiful," Joey whispered before pecking my lips, making me smile softly.

"Hey," I wrapped my arms around his neck, my eyes trailing around his face as I admired his features.

"How are you?" he cooed, his arms slithering around my waist slowly.

"Good, what about you?" I asked.

"Really good," he smiled cheekily.

That smile kills me.


"Zach stooopp," I whined as I tried to push his arms and hands away from me so I could eat my lunch.

"No," he spat back sassily.

I rolled my eyes at him, bringing my attention back to my group of friends.
"Whatever," I huffed. "So guys, I have two more days modelling with Cam-"

"Oooo, you guys are getting pretty close," Abbi interrupted me as I glared at her in response.

"As I was saying, Abbi..." I trailed off as I gave her a fake smile, her eyes rolling

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