25 • i love you

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Your pov;

It was a Saturday morning; I was somewhat happy yet tired.

I was looking forward to the day as Joey is coming over this morning, then the two Jake's, Tanner, Liam and Griffin take me out for lunch afterwards and last but not least, Liam then takes me to the beach to get photos.

Joey is due to be here at 9:30am, Jake and the others are due to take me to lunch at 12:30pm, both Jake A and Tanner already here as they stayed the night, and Liam is finally due to take me to the beach at 4:00pm.

My phone went off, showing off the words 'mine ❤️'

I unlocked my phone, reading Joey's message, a smile on my lips at just the one word across the screen.

*via text messages*

mine ❤️


hey boo

I miss you :( 

I saw you yesterday...


anyway, I'll see you at 9:30 x

yep x
love you

love you too
read 8:59am


I quickly got up, changing into a white off the shoulder shirt and a black denim skirt with some rips here and there. I didn't put shoes on as I am at home and not going out till after.

I applied some lip balm and mascara, running my fingers through my long hair afterwards to make it look somewhat neater.

I heard Tanner screaming, my actions coming to a halt as my eyebrows knitted.

Jake has the weirdest friends I swear.

I made my way downstairs, falling on top of something at the bottom of the stairs, a soft groan leaving my lips.

"Jake, what the fuck?!" I exclaimed, my body still sprawled out on the object.

I realised that I fell on top of a couch, my eyes rolling as I should be aware of my surroundings next time.

"Ha, gotcha," Jake A came around the corner with his camera, a smirk tugged on his lips.

I got up from the couch, smacking his camera out of my face.
"Turn that off," I growled, his smirk growing as he put his camera down.

"Damn, feisty much," he chuckled, Tanner on the ground next to him, loosing it laughing while also filming me.

"Tanner, I swear to god!" I said bolting towards him, a high pitched scream leaving his lips.

I snatched his camera from his hands, a slight smirk on my lips as my eyes bored into the camera lens. 

"Hey Foxfam, it's y/n here. Hope you guys have an amazing day but before this video ends don't forget to drop a thumbs down and unsubscribe! Thanks, bye guys," I smiled, leaning down to Tanner as I passed him his camera.

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