29 • joyful

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Your pov;

It was officially already Friday, making me glad as the week has nearly come to an end before the weekend.

Joey has been acting weird ever since Griffin had arrived at our school, which annoyed me as Griffin was my friend and only a friend. It also confused me as earlier this week they were fine and got along.

Griffin and I have grown closer this past week, which seemed to affect Joey. I started to feel bad as I've been giving all my attention to Griffin and Liam instead of him.

Just as I closed my locker, I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Griffin, his hand sliding off my shoulder and onto my arm.

"Hey bestie," I said messing up his hair, which was pretty much already messed up.

"Hey loser," he answered with a cheeky smile.

The school bell rang for first period, my hand grabbing Griffin's arm as I pulled him down the hallway.
"Let's go."

Griffin walked with me to my class before walking off to his own class afterwards.

I entered the classroom to see Joey sitting next to Molly, my eyes rolling as I sat down in front of them, a noticeable sigh leaving my lips.

"Hey slut," Molly spat from behind me.

I ignored her as I took out my laptop, blocking out the hurtful words that kept leaving her lips.

"I said hey bitch," she growled.

"Molly, leave her," Joey said sternly, his voice deep.

"Whatever," she huffed.

I heard a chair being pulled out next to me, the figure soon slumping in the seat as they stared at me.

I already knew it was Joey, so I continued staring ahead, watching a few more students set foot in the classroom.

"Hey," he said, his eyes still glued onto me.

"Hi," I mumbled, still looking at the front of the class, watching the teacher write down stuff onto the board.

Joey sighed. "Look y/n, i'm sorry for ignoring you this past week. It's just you and Griffin are growing real close and I guess i'm getting kind of jealous. I'm sorry baby," he said as he tried to get my attention.

I glared at him before looking back at the board.

"Y/n, please," he pleaded.

I finally looked at him properly, his beautiful hazel eyes boring into mine.
"Fine, but don't ever ignore me again over something so small. I'm sorry for not spending enough time with you. It's just Griffin is so nice and I want to get to know him better, which I now have. I'm so happy to be yours Joey and I know-" I was cut off by him kissing me on the lips, my eyes widening as we were in class.

I heard multiple gasps and a curse word leave Molly's lips but I ignored everyone, Joey soon pulling away as people began to whisper.

"You talk too much," he chuckled, my eyes rolling playfully as I shrugged off everyone's stares.


Joey and I made it to mine, the both of us walking inside hand in hand.

I sighed as I sat down on the lounge, Joey soon sitting himself next to me in a slouching position, like always.

"What should we do?" I asked him.

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