Ladies and gentlemen!
Welcome to Miss Maddie's Magic show!
First up, the Shapeshifter!
This girl is a shapeshifter
Back breaker
Quite the slacker
Someone oughta tame her
I usually write lyrics about stars
But the clouds are out
Covering the dead things I write about
You're narcissistic!
Maybe a little racist!
You make it all about you
Give me this false feeling
You don't let go until I'm bleeding
This girl is a shapeshifter
Back breaker
Quite the slacker
Someone oughta tame her
Smile then turn around and scream
You're never who you seem
I walk alone
My shadow my only friend
You promised till the end
I wish I knew you then
This girl is a shapeshifter
Back breaker
Quite the slacker
Someone oughta tame her
This girl is a shapeshifter
Back breaker
Quite the slacker
Someone oughta tame her
Oh what a deceiver
You think you own me
You hold my heart
You try or I think to tear me apart
You shapeshift from sweet to spice
I don't know why I ever thought you were nice!
You say you like my base drops
And you like your high tops
But then I turn around and your just drop
Gossip and talk and cheat and lie
You're flimsy like paper
And you fly like a kite
This girl is a shapeshifter
Back breaker
Quite the slacker
Someone oughta tame her
This girl a shapeshifter!
Back breaker!
You're quite the slacker
My Original Songs
Poetry48# in Poetry 23/3/17 These are songs that I wrote by myself with all my heart and soul. You can use them in song fics or share them with your friends but please don't claim them as your own because I put alot of work into these. Anyways, I hope you...