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Ladies and gentlemen!

Welcome to Miss Maddie's Magic show!

First up, the Shapeshifter!

This girl is a shapeshifter

Back breaker

Quite the slacker

Someone oughta tame her

I usually write lyrics about stars

But the clouds are out

Covering the dead things I write about

You're narcissistic!


Maybe a little racist!

You make it all about you

Give me this false feeling

You don't let go until I'm bleeding

This girl is a shapeshifter

Back breaker

Quite the slacker

Someone oughta tame her

Smile then turn around and scream

You're never who you seem

I walk alone

My shadow my only friend

You promised till the end

I wish I knew you then

This girl is a shapeshifter

Back breaker

Quite the slacker

Someone oughta tame her

This girl is a shapeshifter

Back breaker

Quite the slacker

Someone oughta tame her

Oh what a deceiver



You think you own me

You hold my heart

You try or I think to tear me apart

You shapeshift from sweet to spice

I don't know why I ever thought you were nice!

You say you like my base drops

And you like your high tops

But then I turn around and your just drop

Gossip and talk and cheat and lie

You're flimsy like paper

And you fly like a kite

This girl is a shapeshifter

Back breaker

Quite the slacker

Someone oughta tame her

This girl a shapeshifter!

Back breaker!

You're quite the slacker

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