First Steps

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Im sad and idk why so enjoy another chapter

Irene woke up from her beauty sleep to the sight of her parents.

She screeched happily and crawled on their bed and on Jaebum's chest.

Jaebum groaned at the weight on his chest and opened his eyes to see his little girl giving her gummy smile with two growing teeth in the middle.

"Aish you are so cute, i can't be mad at you."

He lifted her up to place her flat on the bed and give her kisses so she giggled from the attention.

*Man i need attention*

"Let's go. Your mother is still sleeping baby girl."

Jaebum took her to change her diapers and to feed her. Now they were on the couch looking directly at the laptop screen.

Jaebum, obviously,  wanted to spoil Irene as much as he could so at that moment he was looking at toys and clothing for her.

"Jaebumie what are you doing?"

Youngjae's soft voice made Jaebum's bad boy heart melt and Irene to squeal while looking around.

Youngjae walked ul to the both of them to give kisses....mostly to Irene.

"I'm taking the baby to the Café today babe."

Jaebum groaned, "I told you baby to just rely on me when it comes to working."

"And I told you I didn't want to be a burden so I'm working today. "

The older knew he couldn't win so he just pouted and agreed.

"Thank you baby!"

Youngjae kissed his cheek and ran off to the bedroom leaving Jaebum to laugh like a lovesick idiot.

Irene climbed up from his lap to his chest and tapped his chest.

" Irene your mother always leaves me falling in love again."

Time skip brought to you by how lonely I am

Irene was sitting on top of the counter while Youngjae was giving out orders to the people there.

Bambam was watching over her while controlling her arms like always.

So far it seemed like everyone adored Irene after 3 months of having her around as an Im/Choi.
After an hour the Café was empty so the three males plus the baby were sitting on the floor .

Irene was crawling to all three trying to capture on of her teddy's the Jaebum got her.

When Yugyeom caught the bear Irene rushed to him just to have it thrown to Youngjae.

She whined and reached out to the tallest to grab his hands as he helped her to her feet.

Youngjae creeped up from behind to hold his hands out. Irene stomped her foot and slowly began to waddle towards Youngjae with no help.

"Oh my god..."

Youngjae groaned when she fell into his arms, "And you couldn't do that around Jaebum?"

Irene could only smile at him then turned to waddle towards Bambam .

Youngjae took out his phone to record and send to Jaebum as he was stuck in the office.

From: Baebum
To: Sunshine

No why!? I should have been there!

To: Baebum
From: Sunshine

Sucks for you babe -^.^-

From: Baebum
To: Sunshine

Watch it when I get home ;)

To: Baebum
From: Sunshine

Do your worst
I dare you ;))

Have a good day
I'm really lonely ha

Nah don't mine me

I love you guys

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