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You watched the episode of supernatural before falling asleep with Juanpa


Logan walked out in his boxers with his vlog camera. "Good morning Logang what's poppin? So I'm currently whispering because y/n and Juanpa are sleeping on the love sac over there."He showed the camera you guys sleeping.

"I slept in too cause I want to go work out with y/n, it's about eight, so y/n and Juanpa gave been sleeping for thirteen hours." He laughed.

"I'm going to get the mega phone and scare the shit outta them. " He went onto the balcony and grabbed the mega phone.

"Wake the hell up we gotta work out!" Logan blared. You and Juanpa jumped up. "Holy fuck Logan I was sleeping!" You rubbed your eyes.

Juanpa sat up and itched his head. "You want me to work out with you?" You opened your eyes. "Yeah I do, I want to spot you and have a friendly competition." Logan set the megaphone  on the counter.

"Allright, just let me find some stuff to wear, I also have an idea about what to do for my arrival a Jake's house." You went to go look for something to wear and and your vlog camera

" You went to go look for something to wear and and your vlog camera

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"So this is the outfit I decided to wear, so let's get swol." You laughed. You set up the camera and turned towards logan.

"So how long are we running for?" You asked stepping up on your treadmill. "Maybe five minuets." He shrugged. "What level?" You grabbed your headphones.

"Three." He smiled. "Okay, ya sissy." You whispered the last part. "What did you call me?" He huffed his chest up. "I called you a sissy, I'm bumping it up to seven." You smiled.

"Allright then, seven it is." He started playing his music and you started playing yours. You both began a timer at the same time and began to run.

Starting off at seven wasn't so hard for you but Logan seemed to be struggling.

At about three minuets in he was falling behind, and you were going strong.

By the end Logan was huffing and you were breathing fine. "Let's go, are we leg pressing, or benching?" You stretched your arms and legs.

"Let's leg press."


"So that workout was pretty good, I'm a little tired, I'm going to use your shower Logan so I can get clean." You punched him before going into your suitcase to find an outift.

" You punched him before going into your suitcase to find an outift

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You showered and it was about twelve. You waited for Logan to shower. While he showered you vlogged.

"So Logan is showering and I'm bored so I'm just going to chill around." You set the camera up on the counter and got on Logan's hover board and road around his house.

You set all of the love sacs up in a pile and ran and jumped into them. You piled them up again and grabed your vlog camera.

Running and jumping you landed on them again. "So I think Logan is done, I've been screwing around for about thirty minuets."

Right as you said that Logan walked into the living room in shorts. "What are you  doing?" He laughed.

"I was just waiting." You sat up. "So I was thinking we get a box deep and long enough to fit me in and fill it with packing peanuts and put me outside of Jake's door." He nodded and your idea.

"Yeah that could work. Well we should go to the store to find us a box." He went down stairs and grabbed a shirt and shoes.

"Well let's go to Walmart." You grabbed his keys off the counter. "We should probably bring your suit cases." He grabbed a few of them. "Yeah that's a good idea, were is Juanpa?" You grabbed a suitcase.

"He's at George's." He shrugged. "Well I need to grab my laptop and my carryon and stuff. I'm just gonna leave sugar here for today and I'm going to make you bring her over tomorrow." You grabbed another suitcase.

You had two and so did Logan. "Well let's go to Walmart." You walked your way out to the hallway and to Logan's car.

You put your bags in the back. "I'm driving." You opened drivers side. "Just don't crash my car and kill me." He got into passangers side.

You started up the car and buckled up. Looking behind you, you pulled out of the parking space.

You drove out of the parking space and to the nearest Walmart, which was close to Jake's house.

You went into the back and asked for a large box, you Luckly found one that would fit you in it, then you went and found packing peanuts and some packing tape.

You and Logan bought the packing tape, packing peanuts, and a bag of chips.

"So we bought the supplies and we are heading to Jake's right now." You turned the wheel and went down the road. "It's right here actually." You pulled into the driveway.

"Let's get packin." You laughed.

Stopping your camera you got out of the car followed by Logan. You went to the back seat and pulled out the box. Unfolding it you taped up the edges and left an opening.

You and Logan carried it to the front door. You got in it with the bag of chips and your vlog camera.

"So I'm in the box and Logan is currently putting the packing peanuts in the box so you can't see me."

Packing peanuts began to cover your face. "Logan can you see my body?" You asked. "Nope just let me tape you up,make sure you don't move." You nodded.

He began to tape up the box, it becoming dark.

"So it's dark as balls in here and Logan is going to knock on the door.

Logan knocked on the door and your heart sped up. Soon jake answered the door. "Sup brother jake." Logan sounded cheery. "Sup Logan, what's in that box?"

"I have no idea bro, it was here when I came. We should bring it inside." You nodded, this was going great.

"Are we gonna pick it up or are we gonna drag it in?" You hear jake open the door. "Dragging it should be fine." You could hear jake go in and set down his vlog camera.

"You ready?" You heard Logan. "Yeah, let's just push it in." Jake and Logan picked you up and then began to push you into the team ten living room.

"Allright," Logan clapped his hands. The front door closed and jake came back with his vlog camera. "Should I get the rest of team ten?"

"Hell yeah!" Logan hit jake. "NICK! MARTINEZ! TESSA! KADE! TRISTAN! GET IN HERE!" jake yelled.

The feet came trampling in. "What! What's the matter!" Tessa yells frantically. "For one Logan is here, and for two we have this strange package and I want to open it."

"Okay." Tristan spoke. "Emilio can you go grab some scissors from the kitchen?" Jake handed Kade his vlog camera. Emilio ran to the kitchen and came back with a knife.

"Emilio that's a knife, whatever it'll work anyways." Jake bent down and cut open the tape and the top. He flipped back the sides and it got bright again.

"What the.." he moved a few packing peanuts. You sat up quickly with your vlog camera in hand.

"Suprize Jakey!"

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