A happy ending

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He gave in with guilty eyes and watched as you excitedly prepped yourself for your first drive home.


The days seemed to slow, nothing very exciting was happening around the team 10 house. The Martinez twins recently left for their birthday in Spain. That left you feeling empty and quite sad.

The soon returned which lightened the mood in the house. Trampolines still scattered the central living area of down stairs.

You, still drained from a night of partying with the twins for their birthday, you laid in one of Ivan sweatshirts on one of the many trampolines.

People were running about doing productive things but you decided, in the midst of an uninspired burst, to take a nap on any of the desired trampolines.

People had made sure to quiet down in fear of waking the sleeping beast. Everyone tred lightly around the kitchen area which was closest to the trampoline you were sleeping on.

A sudden crash made your concious regain. Tiredly you rubbed your eyes and sat up. You looked over and the remind of what was a shiny white glass bowl laid on the floor.

Ivan stood in the kitchen with a grimace on his face. "What the hell did you do now?" You asked and stumbled your way off of the trampoline.

"I wanted to make you some noodles since you haven't eaten yet." He dropped his head in shame.

You walked over and tried not to step on any glass. You lifted his head with a finger and looked into his eyes. "We have eight million other bowls don't worry, and thank you for the kind gesture." You smiled.

You leaned over and kissed his cheek which sent it into a frenzy of pink." I'll grab and broom and sweep this mess up, you grab blankets and pillows, we can nap on the trampoline." You nodded at him making sure he understood.

With and smile and a nod you let him off to gather pillows and blankets. You grabbed the broom out of the pantry and began to sweep up the glass. After gathering the broken shards and putting them in the trash you popped a bag of popcorn into the microwave.

Ivan arranged a comfortable place to lay on the trampoline and set up Netflix.

You bright back a bag of popcorn and laid down on the trampoline. Ivan soon came barreling in and jumped up onto the trampoline. You snuggled into his side and he wrapped an arm around you.

He put a movie on Netflix and you delved into it immediately but he just kept his gaze on you.

It hovered around your body, the way your eyes seemed hooded from above but eyelashes winged out with the black mascara.

Your body was cuddled up against him and your toes were covered in a pair of black socks.

The way his sweatshirt hung loosely off your body. He barely noticed when you looked back up at him.

"Whatcha doing Ivan?" You scooted a but to get a better view of him. "Just admiring." He spoke. You let out a small giggle and smiled. He pressed a kiss to your forehead.

You smiled and readjusted yourself. His lips wavered over your face before pressing a soft kiss to your lips. Your lips broke apart and hovered over each other.

You sat up and moved your body over his. Attaching your lips to his once again you began a full on make out session.

His lips feverishly attacked yours in a heated frenzy. Your lips detached and found their ways back to each other despite the fact your hands were pulling at clothes and hair.

You found a spot on Ivan's lap, your bodies needing to be next to each other. You yearned for him to touch you in any way.

A hand on the hip, his fingers tangled in your hair. It was supposed to happen.

You broke away from the kiss, a hasty feeling in your lungs to get air. It was humid and your lungs seemed to tighten.

"I need-- need." You spoke our desperately. "What?" He quizzed confused by your studdering. "You. I need you so bad." You merely whined in his ear.

His body seemed to stiffen when you spoke. "Need me?" He asked. You nodded your head sporadically. "I need you to touch me, please?" You whined. He grabbed you off of his lap and you both made a mad dash up the stairs and into your room.

You put loud music on your speakers, locked the door, and prepared for what may be coming next.

After the door was locked he pulled your body tight against his. Your lips met again and his hand went down to your butt grabbing it hastily.

You pulled at the hem of his shirt. He let you pull it over his shoulders and throw it mercilessly onto the floor.

His lips attached to yours again. His tounge swiped at your bottom lip pleading for entrance. You allowed and his tounge to indulge it's self as you tangles fingers in his hair.

He began to walk you backwards and let your body fall onto the soft mattes behind. He hovered over you and began to trail his lips on your neck leaving soft bites which made you supress a moan.

"I love you." You spoke quietly.

You both made your way down stairs trying to keep attention off of you. You successfully made your way downstairs without gathering unwanted attention.

You wandered into the kitchen and opened the fridge to gather a look at a possible meal.

Jake came strolling along and slung an arm around you. He tilted you sideways in the process of a noogy and manages to press a finger into one of the sensitive purple marks on your neck.

You let out a heaved whine and he let go. Looking at you with a quizzical, fearful look he pulled back the strands of hair covering the lust filled territory marks that were made about an hour ago.

"Who the he--..?" He looked over in Ivan's direction but Ivan was already hidden behind a couch cushion.

"Please tell me you didn't... ?" He looked back at you and you shrugged your shoulders with a grimace on your face.

"God dammit finally! Jesus Christ!" He yelled happily. You looked at him with a furrowed brow until he calmed down.

"I was waiting for years until you qould get laid. Jesus." He signed happily.

"So you aren't mad?" Ivan spoke peeking his head out from behind the couch cushion. "Of course not. Your good for her." He spoke happily before skipping off out of the kitchen.

Ivan made his way over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. "I think it's about time to ask.. would you be my girlfriend?" He kissed your cheek.

"Of course." You spoke quietly. "You're a god dammed savage." You smiled.

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