Chapter 2

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Just as a side note, the italics after someone speaks means it's what they're thinking, unless said otherwise. Thanks for reading!

July 1, 1991, MALFOY MANOR

Aludra knew she had woken up late the next morning, for she could smell breakfast being cooked from her bedroom door, slightly aja. She sat up and stretched her arms far above her head, yawning. She climbed out of bed and padded over to her personal bathroom, reaching for her toothbrush and turning on the tap. Once the task of purifying her morning breath was over and done with, Aludra grabbed her hair brush and wrestled with her tangled black locks.

Five minutes later, Aludra's hair was still a lion's mane, but more curly than a frizzed out mess. On her way out the room, she grabbed her bathrobe and shrugged it on while she ran down the spiraling marble staircase. Aludra practically crashed into the kitchen, startling her mother.

"Good morning, Mummy!" she chirped, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Narcissa smiled.

"Good morning, Aludra. I see you've finally risen from the dead," she chuckled. Aludra gasped and held a hand to her chest.

"But Mum! I'm the first one awake out of Daddy and Draco!" she protested. Narcissa tipped her teacup towards her in acknowledgement.

"I'll give you that. But your father was at work until late last night. And your brother's just..." Narcissa trailed off.

"Lazy?" Aludra confirmed.

"Who you calling lazy, you bum?" Draco announced his presence in the kitchen and Aludra jumped, spinning around to grin innocently at him.

"Why good morrow, little brother. How are you this fine mid-summer's morning-?"

"Oh, shut it!" he laughed, shoving her a little.

"Children, sit down before your father comes in," Narcissa warned them. They nodded.

"Yes, Mum," they chanted, sitting down across from one another at the table and the house elves immediately brought up their usual cups of tea - peppermint for Aludra and lemon-ginger for Draco.

"How were your nights?" Narcissa asked conversationally. As Draco opened his mouth to answer, Aludra cut across him.

"Horrible. I couldn't get a wink of sleep with Draco's snoring. Who would've known I could hear him from another hallway?" she teased. Draco's face burned red and she could hear his thoughts in her head.

Like she can talk, with her snaggletooth!

"I do not have a snaggletooth!" Aludra gasped, outraged.

"Shut up, snaggletooth!" he fired back. Embarrassed, Aludra's hand flew up to cover her mouth, where she was missing both canine teeth on the upper row.

"I'd rather that than a big forehead!" she yelled.


"At least I don't have a lithsp!" Draco said.

"You're ugly!" she cried. Draco scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Keep rolling your eyes. Maybe you'll fine a brain back there."


"What on earth is with all this shouting at this early hour?" a voice boomed, making all three of the Malfoys jump and look at Lucius, who was dressed for a day at work. He had an annoyed look on his face, which alerted the nearest house elf to fetch him a coffee.

"Sorry, Dad, but Aludra started it." Draco snitched.

"Liar!" she cried indignantly. Draco gestured to her with open arms.

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